Kode Mata KuliahTK5010 / 4 SKS
Penyelenggara230 - Chemical Engineering / FTI
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahKapita Selekta Perancangan Produk KimiaSelected Topics in Chemical Product Design
Bahan Kajian
  1. Desain konsep metodologi Teknik Kimia untuk pengembangan/ development of produk baru, atau dikenal holistic Chemical Product Design
  2. Menjelaskan konsep chemical engineering design melingkupi process design and product design
  3. Penerapan metodologi perancangan produk konseptual dari Cussler and Moggridge, (four-step procedure for chemical product design- needs, ideas, selection, and manufacture) untuk beberapa several studi kasus untuk specialty chemicals, micro- and macrostructured products and devices for chemical changes
  4. Penerapan metodologi perancangan produk konseptual untuk produk BioPolymer, Biodegradable Nanocomposite berbahan baku biomassa
  5. Analisa keekonomian dalam peracangan produk, termasuk risk management issues dan circular economy yang menjadi tantangan chemical product design dalam industry
  1. Conceptual design methodology in Chemical Engineering for the development of new products, also known as Holistic Chemical Product Design
  2. Explain the concept of chemical engineering design encompassing process design and product design.
  3. The application of the conceptual product design methodology from Cussler and Moggridge, known as the four-step procedure for chemical product design (needs, ideas, selection, and manufacture), can be illustrated through several case studies involving specialty chemicals, micro- and macrostructured products, and devices for chemical changes.
  4. The application of conceptual product design methodology for BioPolymer, Biodegradable Nanocomposites using biomass as raw materials
  5. Economic analysis in product design, including risk management issues and the challenges of circular economy in chemical product design within the industry
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa menguasai ilmu dan rekayasa/ perancangan konseptual produk kimia (methodological development from Cussler and Moggridge).
  2. Peningkatan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam perancangan produk kimia, seperti specialty chemicals, micro- and macrostructured products and devices for chemical changes, dan khususnya produk dari Indonesian natural resources smelalui case studies.
  3. Mahasiswa menerapkan case studies diantaranya Adhesive, Nanopolymer, anti-aging lotion, biodegradable product, biomass-based product (biorefinery product) device
  4. Mahasiswa mampu menganalisa keekonomian, dan isu-isu berhubungan dengan risk management and circular economy dalam chemical product design
  5. Kemampuan mahasiswa meningkat dalam Outcome-based, learner-centered course
  1. Students master the science and engineering/conceptual design of chemical products (methodological development from Cussler and Moggridge).
  2. Enhancing students' capabilities in chemical product design, such as specialty chemicals, micro- and macrostructured products, and devices for chemical changes, particularly using Indonesian natural resources, through case studies.
  3. Students apply case studies including adhesive, nanopolymer, anti-aging lotion, biodegradable products, biomass-based products (biorefinery products), and devices.
  4. Students are able to analyze economics and issues related to risk management and circular economy in chemical product design.
  5. Students' abilities are enhanced through an outcome-based, learner-centered course.
Metode PembelajaranTugas, Kuis, Tugas Besar/ProjectAssignment, Quizzes, Final Project Assignment
Modalitas PembelajaranLuringOffline
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode Penilaian
Catatan Tambahan