Kode Mata KuliahWF1211 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara163 - First Year of FITB / FITB
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahSistem BumiEarth System
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pendahuluan: Tujuan kuliah, ruang lingkup, sistem evaluasi, literatur, lahirnya ilmu kebumian dan pengembangannya Bumi dan Alam Semesta: - Pembentukan alam semesta. - Teori terjadinya bumi - Bumi sebagai bagian dari tata surya
  2. Atmosfer Bumi: - Pembagian atmosfer - Struktur dan sifat fisis atmosfer, serta pengaruhnya terhadap kehidupan Sumber Daya Atmosfer dan Perubahan Iklim: - Potensi sumber daya atmosfer - Variabilitas iklim - Perubahan iklim global
  3. Karakteristik Fisik Air Laut: - Struktur vertikal laut - Interaksi laut-atmosfer - Parameter fisis laut Sumber Daya Kelautan: Potensi sumber daya kelautan (hayati – nirhayati) dan eksplorasinya Sumber Daya Air: Potensi sumber daya air permukaan dan air tanah, beserta eksplorasinya
  4. Evolusi Bumi: - Skala waktu geologi - Evolusi kehidupan Interior Bumi: Karakteristik interior bumi dan materinya berdasarkan sifat-sifat fisis (seismik, thermal, dan komposisi mineralnya, dll) Proses-Proses Geologi: - Bumi sebagai benda padat - Dinamika atmosfer-litosfer - Proses tektonik/endogen-eksogen, dan produknya Sumber Daya Mineral, Migas, dan Energi: Potensi sumber daya mineral (logam, non-logam, industri, bahan bangunan), migas, energi, dan energi alternatif
  5. Konsep Pemantauan Dinamika Bumi - Penentuan posisi - Model bumi (fisik, matematik) - Pemantauan Dinamika Bumi Bahaya Kebumian (Geohazard) dan Mitigasinya: Potensi ancaman dan kerawanan bencana kebumian (gempa, tsunami, gunung api, longsor, banjir, dan kekeringan, gelombang laut, badai / puting beliung)
  1. Introduction: Purpose of study, scope, evaluation system, literature, the birth of earth science, and its development. Earth and the Universe: - Formation of the universe. - The theory of how the Earth came into existence. - Earth as part of the solar system.
  2. Earth's Atmosphere: - Atmospheric division - The structure and physical properties of the atmosphere, and their influence on life Atmospheric Resources and Climate Change: - Atmospheric resource potential - Climate variability - Global climate change
  3. Physical Characteristics of Sea Water: - Vertical structure of the sea - Ocean-atmosphere interactions - Marine physical parameters Marine Resources: Potential marine resources (biological - non-biological) and their exploration Water resources: Potential surface water and groundwater resources, along with their exploration
  4. Earth Evolution: - Geological time scale - Evolution of life Earth's Interior: Characteristics of the earth's interior and its materials based on physical properties (seismic, thermal, and mineral composition, etc.) Geological Processes: - Earth as a solid object - Atmospheric-lithosphere dynamics - Tectonic/endogenous-exogenous processes, and their products Mineral, Oil and Gas and Energy Resources: Potential mineral resources (metals, non-metals, industry, building materials), oil and gas, energy and alternative energy
  5. Earth Dynamics Monitoring Concept - Positioning - Earth models (physical, mathematical) - Earth Dynamics Monitoring Geohazards and Mitigation: Potential threat and vulnerability to earth disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, landslides, floods and droughts, sea waves, storms/tornadoes)
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa mengerti kedudukan Bumi di alam semesta.
  2. Mahasiswa memahami sistem Bumi yang terdiri dari Atmosfer, Hidrosfer, dan Geosfer.
  3. Mahasiswa mengetahui aplikasi dan manfaat ilmu dan teknologi kebumian bagi peradaban manusia.
  1. Students understand the position of the Earth in the universe.
  2. Students understand the Earth system which consists of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and geosphere.
  3. Students know the applications and benefits of earth science and technology for human civilization.
Metode PembelajaranLecturer Centered Learning : Knowledge Based Leaning Student Centered Learning : Project-based learning (PjBL)Lecturer Centered Learning : Knowledge Based Leaning Student Centered Learning : Project-based learning (PjBL)
Modalitas Pembelajaran- Luring - Daring - Sinkron - Asinkron- Offline - Online - Synchronous - Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode Penilaian- Tertulis : Pilihan, Uraian, Essai - Tugas : Laporan, Demonstrasi, Praktik- Written: Choice, Description, Essay - Assignments: Report, Demonstration, Practice
Catatan Tambahan