Kode Mata Kuliah | TK7011 / 3 SKS |
Penyelenggara | 330 - Chemical Engineering / FTI |
Kategori | Lecture |
| Bahasa Indonesia | English |
Nama Mata Kuliah | Kajian Mandiri Intensifikasi Proses | Independent Study of Process Intensification |
Bahan Kajian | - Pengenalan Intensifikasi Proses (definisi intensifikasi proses, sejarah perkembangan teknologi, filosofi, Triple-P, struktur intensifikasi proses, sustainable development, re-engineering)
- Pengenalan Teknologi Intensifikasi Proses (reaktor dinamik, microreactor, reverse flow reactor, membrane reactor, nanotechnology)
- Praktik Mengembangkan Inovasi dan Kreativitas Berteknologi (Menggagas arah pengembangan teknologi kreatif dan inovatif pada bidang penelitian doktoral)
| - Introduction to Process Intensification (definition of process intensification, history of technology development, philosophy, Triple-P, process intensification structure, sustainable development, re-engineering)
- Introduction to Process Intensification Technology (dynamic reactor, microreactor, reverse flow reactor, membrane reactor, nanotechnology)
- Developing Innovation and Creativity in Technology Practice (Proposing directions for developing creative and innovative technologies in doctoral research)
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - Mahasiswa mampu memahami hakikat intensifikasi proses dan merumuskan pokok persoalan penerapannya dalam bidang Teknik Kimia.
- Mahasiswa mampu merumuskan pokok persoalan bidang penelitian doktoral, mengidentifikasi kelemahan teknologinya, dan menggagas kebaruan yang menawarkan keunggulan teknologi dalam bidangnya.
- Mahasiswa mampu mengembangan sebuah rancangan mutakhir yang mengusung aspek inovasi dan kreatifitas dalam bidang penelitian doktoralnya.
- Mahasiswa mampu merancang konsep teknologi yang relevan dengan intensifikasi proses dan menjawab tantangan global serta berkelanjutan.
| - Students are able to understand the essence of process intensification and formulate the core issues of its application in the field of Chemical Engineering.
- Students are able to formulate the main issues in doctoral research fields, identify weaknesses in their technology, and propose innovations that offer technological advantages in their field
- Students are able to develop an advanced design that embodies aspects of innovation and creativity in their doctoral research field
- Students are able to design technological concepts that are relevant to process intensification and answer global and sustainable challenges.
Metode Pembelajaran | Ceramah dan diskusi
Presentasi gagasan tematik terkait riset doktoral | Lectures and discussions
Presentation of thematic ideas related to doctoral research |
Modalitas Pembelajaran | Pembelajaran Tatap Muka
Blended Learning
Pembelajaran Mandiri | Offline Learning
Blended Learning
Independent Learning |
Jenis Nilai | ABCDE |
Metode Penilaian | Penilaian Tugas Tertulis
Penilaian Presentasi | Written Assignment
Presentation Asessment |
Catatan Tambahan | | |