Kode Mata KuliahMB6035 / 4 SKS
Penyelenggara290 - Management Science / SBM
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahRantai Nilai dan Operasi HalalHalal Value Chains and Operations
Bahan Kajian
  1. Orientasi halal dan keunggulan kompetitif
  2. Kesiapan pasar halal dalam industri
  3. Inovasi dalam produk dan jasa halal
  4. Rantai nilai halai dan penciptaan nilai
  5. Keunggulan inti dan reputasi halal
  6. Rantai pasok halal global dan strategi
  7. Risiko operasi dalam halal rantai pasok
  8. Strategi hub halal
  9. Sistem manajemen pasok halal
  10. Produksi halal
  11. Pergudangan halal
  12. Logistik halal dan distribusi
  13. Sertifikasi halal
  14. Teknologi dan inovasi halal
  15. Kunjungan Lapangan
  1. Halal orientation and competitive advantage
  2. Halal market readiness in halal industry
  3. Innovation in halal product and services
  4. Halal value chain and value creation
  5. Halal core competences and reputation
  6. Global halal supply chain and network strategy
  7. Halal operational risks
  8. Halal hub strategy: industrial cluster & halal port
  9. Halal supply management system
  10. Halal production
  11. Halal warehousing
  12. Halal logistic and international trading
  13. Halal certification
  14. Technology and innovation adoption in halal business
  15. Field trip
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu memahami filosofi dan konsep dari rantai nilai dan operasi halal
  2. Mampu menganalisis faktor-faktor penentu keberhasilan pengembangan bisnis halal
  3. Mampu melakukan analisis gap etrhadap berbagai kajian dan riset di bidang halal
  4. Mampu menyusun rekomendasi dan strategi pengembangan rantai nilai dan operasi halal diberbagai sektor terkait, baik dalam konteks riset akademik maupun implikasi praktis/manajerial
  1. Able to understand the philosophy and concept of halal value chains and operations.
  2. Able to analyze the success factors in the development of halal business.
  3. Able to perform gap analysis on various studies and research in the halal field.
  4. Able to formulate recommendations and development strategies for halal value chains and operations across various related sectors, both in the context of academic research and practical/managerial implications.
Metode PembelajaranDiskusi kelompok, Pembelajaran berbasis masalah, field tripGroup discussion, problem based learning, field trip
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring & SinkronOffline and synchronize
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianAktivitas kelas, individual & group assignment, dan ExamGroup activity, individual and group assignment and exam
Catatan Tambahan