Kode Mata KuliahKL3102 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara155 - Ocean Engineering / FTSL
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahDinamika StrukturStructural Dynamics
Bahan Kajian
  1. Derajat Kebebasan Tunggal a. Getaran bebas (dengan dan tanpa redaman) b. Gaya getaran (harmonik dan general loading) c. Gerakan relatif / gempa
  2. Derajat Kebebasan Berganda a. Getaran bebas b. Nilai Eigen dan Eigen vektor c. Ortogonalitas d. Gaya getaran (metode superposition, harmonik) e. Gerakan relatif / gempa
  3. Respons dinamika struktur terhadap beban acak/random. Dengan pendekatan domain frekuensi dan pendekatan domain waktu
  1. Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) a. Free vibration (with and without damping) b. Forced vibration (harmonic and general loading) c. Relative motion / earthquake
  2. Multiple Degree of Freedom (MDOF) a. Free vibration b. Eigen value dan eigen vector c. Orthogonality d. Forced vibration (superposition method, harmonic) e. Relative motion / earthquake
  3. Dynamic response of structures to random loads. With frequency domain approach and time domain approach
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Memahami frekuensi alamiah dengan dan tanpa redaman.
  2. Mampu menyelesaikan respons dinamika free vibration SDOF dengan dan tanpa redaman.
  3. Mampu menghitung respons SDOF akibat gaya harmonik (mengenal Dynamic Amplification Factor (DAF) dan resonansi), general loading, relative motion/gempa.
  4. Mampu menyusun persamaan gerak MDOF (matriks kekakuan, matriks massa).
  5. Mampu menyelesaikan Eigen Value/Vector Problem untuk MDOF. Mengenal modal matriks, orthogonalitas.
  6. Memahami mode superposition method, Bettieā€™s theorem.
  7. Mampu menyelesaikan forced vibration bangunan geser: metoda superposisi modal, respon untuk gerak ground, respon gaya harmonik.
  8. Mampu menentukan structural response akibat beban acak.
  1. Understand the natural frequencies with and without damping.
  2. Able to solve the dynamic response of SDOF free vibration with and without damping.
  3. Able to calculate SDOF response due to harmonic forces (recognize Dynamic Amplification Factor (DAF) and resonance), general loading, relative motion/earthquake.
  4. Able to compile MDOF equations of motion (stiffness matrix, mass matrix).
  5. Able to solve Eigen Value/Vector Problem for MDOF. Familiar with modal matrix, orthogonality.
  6. Understand mode superposition method, Bettie's theorem.
  7. Able to solve forced vibration of shear buildings: modal superposition method, response for ground motion, harmonic force response.
  8. Able to determine structural response due to random load.
Metode PembelajaranKuliahCollege
Modalitas Pembelajaran- Segi penyerapan: visual dan auditorial - Segi pelaksanaan: sinkronus- Absorption aspect: visual and auditory - Implementation aspect: synchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianTugas, Kuis, Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS), Ujian Akhir Semester, Tugas Kelompok, dan Diskusi KelasAssignments, Quiz, Midterm Exams (UTS), Final Semester Exams, Group Assignments, and Class Discussions
Catatan Tambahan