Kode Mata KuliahAS3103 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara103 - Astronomy / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahLaboratorium Astronomi Dasar IIBasic Astronomy Laboratory II
Bahan Kajian
  1. Sistem pengamatan astronomi: pengumpul cahaya (teleskop), analisator, detektor, sistem mounting
  2. Parameter penentu kemampuan teleskop, analisator, detektor
  3. Signal-to-noise ratio sistem, throughput sistem, sistem kalibrasi
  4. Perencanaan pengamatan: pemilihan objek, penentuan waktu pengamatan, exposure time, kalibrator/pembanding, format data, storage
  5. Prosedur “standar” reduksi data dengan aplikasi standar
  6. Pembuatan laporan pengamatan yang singkat dan padat
  7. Teknik mengomunikasikan data pengukuran
  1. Astronomical observation systems: light collectors (telescopes), analysers, detectors, mounting systems
  2. Parameters determining the capacity of telescopes, analysers, detectors
  3. Signal-to-noise ratio, throughput, and calibration systems
  4. Observation planning: object selection, observation timing, exposure time, calibration/assembly, data format, storage
  5. “Standard” data reduction procedure with standard application
  6. Writing short and concise observation reports
  7. Method for communicating measurement data
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu menjelaskan sistem pengamatan astronomi: pengumpul cahaya (teleskop), analisator, detektor, sistem mounting
  2. Mampu menjelaskan parameter penentu kemampuan teleskop, analisator, detektor
  3. Mampu menjelaskan signal-to-noise ratio sistem, throughput sistem, sistem kalibrasi
  4. Mampu membuat perencanaan pengamatan: pemilihan objek, penentuan waktu pengamatan, exposure time, kalibrator/pembanding, format data, storage, serta memperoleh datanya
  5. Mampu mengaplikasikan prosedur “standar” reduksi data (dengan aplikasi standar)
  6. Mampu membuat membuatan laporan pengamatan yang singkat dan padat
  7. Mampu mengaplikasikan teknik komunikasi untuk mempresentasikan prinsip pengamatan astronomi dalam panjang gelombang tertentu
  1. Able to explain astronomical observation systems: light collectors (telescopes), analyzers, detectors, mounting systems
  2. Able to explain the parameters determining the capabilities of telescopes, analysers, detectors
  3. Able to explain concept of signal-to-noise ratio, throughput, and calibration systems
  4. Able to make observation planning: object selection, observation timing, exposure time, calibration/assembly, data format, storage, and data acquisition
  5. Able to apply “standard” data reduction procedures
  6. Able to write short and concise observation reports
  7. Apply communication techniques to present the principle of astronomical observation in certain wavelengths
Metode PembelajaranKombinasi antara ceramah, pengenalan instrumen/fasilitas, dan praktikum pengamatan (projek kecil)A combination of lectures, instruments/facilities introductions, and observation practices (short projects)
Modalitas PembelajaranBauran sinkron dan asinkron (untuk CPMK 7)Hybrid - synchronized and asynchronous (specifically for CPMK 7)
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUTS, Nilai Presentasi, Laporan Akhir PengamatanMid-Semester Exam, Presentations, Final Observation Report
Catatan Tambahan