Kode Mata KuliahAS5121 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara203 - Astronomy / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPengantar Astrofisika Energi TinggiIntroduction to High Energy Astrophysics
Bahan Kajian
  1. Fenomena energi tinggi yang diamati dari benda-benda langit, teori pembangkitannya, dan spektrum yang dihasilkan (teramati); Efek relativistik Obyek-obyek pemancar radiasi energi tinggi; Akresi oleh benda bermassa besar dan mampat (compact).
  2. Teknik-teknik mendeteksi radiasi energi tinggi; Basis data astronomi energi tinggi dan pengantar kepada teknik-teknik reduksi data.
  1. High energy phenomena observed from celestial bodies, theories of their generation, and resulting (observed) spectra; Relativistic effects of the Objects that emit high energy radiation; Accretion by large mass and compact objects.
  2. Techniques for detecting high energy radiation; High energy astronomy database and introduction to data reduction techniques.
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu mengklasifikasikan karakteristik pengamatan fenomena astrofisika energi tinggi.
  2. Mampu membangun interpretasi fisis dari karakteristik pengamatan fenomena astrofisika energi tinggi.
  3. Mampu memprediksi karakteristik pengamatan proses-proses dalam astrofisika energi tinggi.
  4. Mampu menjelaskan teknik deteksi dalam astrofisika energi tinggi, basis data, serta teknik reduksi data dalam astrofisika energi tinggi.
  1. Able to classify the characteristics of observations of high energy astrophysical phenomena.
  2. Able to develop a physical interpretation of the characteristics of observations of high energy astrophysical phenomena.
  3. Able to predict the characteristics of observations of processes in high energy astrophysics.
  4. Able to explain detection techniques in high energy astrophysics, databases, and data reduction techniques in high energy astrophysics.
Metode PembelajaranPembelajaran kolaboratif (kombinasi studi literatur, ceramah, presentasi mahasiswa, dan diskusi kelas).Collaborative learning (a combination of references study, lectures, student presentations, and class discussions).
Modalitas PembelajaranKombinasi sinkron dan asinkron.Synchronous and asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUTS (20%), UAS (20%), Tugas (20%), Laporan & Presentasi Mahasiswa (40%).Mid semester exam (20%), end semester exam (20%) assignment (20%), report and presentation (40%
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