Kode Mata KuliahBI5101 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara206 - Biology / SITH
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahBiodiversitas Tropika dan BioprospeksiTropical Biodiversity and Bioprospecting
Bahan Kajian
  1. Konsep biodiversitas : Biodiversitas; keanekaragaman ekosistem, spesies dan genetic; Biodiversitas di tropika; Proses terbentuknya biodiversitas; Factor-faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap tingginya keanekaragaan hayati di tropika; dan konsep spesies Express
  2. Spesiasi, biogeofrafi dan evolusi : spesiasi; biogeografi: visualisasi dan analisis pola biogeografi, geografi dan diversifikasi; biogeografi dan kekayaan hayati; evolusi: lempeng tektonik, persebaran, spesiasi pulau, cuaca global, radiasi adaptif Express
  3. Keanekaragaman hayati di daerah tropis
  4. Metode-metode pengukuran dan valuasi biodiversitas : Species richness; Species diversity indices; metode valuasi biodiversitas
  5. Manfaat jasa lingkungan biodiversitas bagi kehidupan (supporting, provisioning, regulating,dan culture) ; plants utilization; Ancaman biodiversitas
  6. Ancaman terhadap keanekaragaman hayati
  7. Valuasi keanekaragaman hayati
  8. Konservasi keanekaragaman hayati
  9. Bioprospeksi: bioprospeksi dan biodiversitas; bioprospek dan kehidupan manusia; eksplorasi jenis-jenis tumbuhan bernilai bioprospek (pangan, serat, energi, obat, kosmetik dan atsiri)
  10. Metode-metode dalam bioprospeksi tumbuhan: ethnobotanical study; koleksi dan preparasi, ekstraksi dan metode bioproses
  11. Implikasi dari bioprospeksi (etika, legal, dan sosial)
  12. Bioprospeksi berkelanjutan
  1. The concept of biodiversity: Biodiversity; Ecosystem, species and genetic diversity; Biodiversity in the tropics; Process of biodiversity formation; Factors contributing to high biodiversity in the tropics; and the concept of species. Express
  2. Speciation, biogeophraphy and evolution: speciation; biogeography: visualization and analysis of biogeographic patterns, geography and diversification; biogeography and biological richness; evolution: plate tectonics, dispersal, island speciation, global weather, adaptive radiation
  3. Biodiversity in the tropics
  4. Biodiversity measurement and valuation methods: Species richness; Species diversity indices; biodiversity valuation methods.
  5. Benefits of biodiversity environmental services for life (supporting, provisioning, regulating, and culture); plant utilization; Threats to biodiversity
  6. Threats to biodiversity
  7. Biodiversity valuation
  8. Conservation of biodiversity
  9. Bioprospecting: bioprospection and biodiversity; bioprospect and human life; exploration of plant species with bioprospect value (food, fiber, energy, medicine, cosmetics and essentials).
  10. Methods in plant bioprospection: ethnobotanical study; collection and preparation, extraction and bioprocessing methods
  11. Implications of bioprospection (ethical, legal, and social)
  12. Sustainable bioprospecting
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Pemahaman Konsep Teoritis: Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan konsep dan teori biologi terkait focus studinya dengan detail dan akurat
  2. Kemampuan Analisis Data: Mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan untuk mengumpulkan, mengolah, dan menganalisis data menggunakan metode statistic dan komputasi yang relevan dengan bidang biologi
  3. Literasi Digital: Mahasiswa dapat menggunakan alat digital dan sumber daya online untuk mengakses, mengelola, dan menyajikan informasi biologi secara efektif.
  4. Pengambilan Keputusan Berbasis Data: Mahasiswa mampu mengambil keputusan yang informasinya didukung oleh analisis data ilmiah yang solid.
  5. Integritas Akademis dan praktik ilmiah: Mampu menunjukkan standar tinggi terhadap integritas dalam semua aspek penelitian, termasuk kejujuran dalam pengumpulan dan pelaporan data.
  6. Keadilan dalam Kerja Tim: Mampu menunjukkan sikap tulus, adil, bijaksana dan inklusif dalam memimpin atau pada saat berkolaborasi dalam tim.
  7. Pelaporan Dampak Sosial: Mampu menyusun dan menyampaikan bagaimana penelitian mereka berkontribusi pada kebaikan umum termasuk dampaknya terhadap keberlanjutan dan lingkungan
  1. Understanding of Theoretical Concepts: Students can explain biological concepts and theories related to their focus of study with detail and accuracy.
  2. Data Analysis Skills: Students have the ability to collect, process, and analyze data using statistical and computational methods relevant to the field of biology.
  3. Digital Literacy: Students can use digital tools and online resources to effectively access, manage and present biological information.
  4. Data Driven Decision Making: Students are able to make decisions whose information is supported by solid scientific data analysis.
  5. Academic Integrity and scientific practice: Able to demonstrate high standards of integrity in all aspects of research, including honesty in data collection and reporting.
  6. Fairness in Teamwork: Able to demonstrate a sincere, fair, thoughtful and inclusive attitude in leading or when collaborating in teams.
  7. Social Impact Reporting: Able to organize and communicate how their research contributes to the common good including its impact on sustainability and the environment.
Metode PembelajaranProses belajar dalam kelas/lapangan; Tugas terstruktur mandiri/kelompok; Kegiatan mandiri kelompokClassroom/field learning process; Independent/group structured assignments; Group independent activities
Modalitas PembelajaranDaya penyerapan: Visual; Auditorial; Kinestetik Daya pelaksanaan : Sinkron dan Asinkron Mandiri: mencari informasi, mengidentifikasi informasi yang penting, mencatat, mengorganisasi, mengelaborasi, meringkas, dan memantau pemahamanAbsorption power: Visual; Auditorial; Kinesthetic Implementation power: Synchronous and Asynchronous Independent: searching for information, identifying important information, taking notes, organizing, elaborating, summarizing, and monitoring understanding
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianStandar nilai huruf dan nilai indeks sesuai ketentuan akademik ITB (Sistem A, AB, B, BC, C, D, E). Dilakukan secara terpadu untuk menilai: - Aspek pengetahuan melalui tes tulis berupa kuis, UTS, UAS, dan tugas mandiri/kelompok. - Aspek keterampilan melalui presentasi (rubrik) - Aspek sikap melalui keaktifan, kejujuran/plagiarisme, dan kreativitasStandard letter grades and index grades according to ITB academic regulations (System A, AB, B, BC, C, D, E). Performed in an integrated manner to assess: - Knowledge aspects through written tests in the form of quizzes, midterms, final exams, and independent/group assignments. - Skill aspect through presentation (rubric) - Attitude aspect through activeness, honesty/plagiarism, and creativity.
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