Kode Mata KuliahTR6001 / 12 SKS
Penyelenggara242 - Transportation / SAPPK
KategoriFinal Project / Thesis / Dissertation
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahTesis ProyekThesis Project
Bahan Kajian
  1. Riset Transportasi
  2. Kelembagaan transportasi
  3. Pembiayaan transportasi
  4. Metode analisis transportasi
  5. Sistem spasial dan infrastruktur
  6. Ekonomi transportasi
  7. Energi dan lingkungan
  8. Perilaku dan aspek sosial
  9. Manajemen
  10. Teknologi dan Informasi
  1. Transportation research
  2. Transportation institutions
  3. Transportation financing
  4. Transportation analysis method
  5. Spatial and infrastructure systems
  6. Transportation economics
  7. Energy and environment
  8. Behavior and social aspects
  9. Management
  10. Technology and Information
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu menjelaskan fillosofi dan konsepsi, spektrum ilmu pengetahuan, metode dan pendekatan pada proyek-proyek transportasi.
  2. Mampu melakukan pendekatan metodologis pada proyek-proyek transportasi.
  1. Able to explain the philosophy and concepts, the spectrum of knowledge, methods, and approaches in transportation projects.
  2. Able to apply methodological approaches to transportation projects.
Metode PembelajaranTinjauan literatur, pengumpulan data (survei, wawancara, observasi, data sekunder, dll), pemantauan berkala progress pengerjaan tesis.Literature review, data collection (survey, interview, observation, secondary data, etc.), periodic monitoring of thesis progress.
Modalitas PembelajaranBauran, mandiriBlended/Hybrid, Individual Learning
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianNaskah tesis diuji melalui sidang pembahasan dan sidang ujian oleh satu orang pembimbing dan dua orang dosen lain sebagai penguji. Nilai meliputi aspek substansi naskah dan presentasi.The thesis manuscript is tested through a discussion session and an examination session by one supervisor and two other lecturers as examiners. Grades include aspects of script substance and presentation.
Catatan Tambahan