Kode Mata KuliahBW3202 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara115 - Forestry Engineering / SITH
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPengelolaan Bentang Alam TerpaduIntegrated Landscape Management
Bahan Kajian
  1. Konsep landscape: pengertian landscape; landscape approach; prinsip prinsip landscape approach
  2. Struktur dan fungsi landscape: struktur landscape (komposisi dan konfigurasi); land cover dan land use; bentuk permukaan bumi; fungsi landscape
  3. Dinamika dan degradasi landscape: faktor penyebab dinamika landscape; bentuk bentuk degradasi landscape; faktor penyebab degradasi landscape; pemodelan degradasi landscape
  4. Ekologi landscape: Pengertian ekologi landscape; aspek penting ekologi landscape; struktur spasial landscape (patch, edge, corridor, matrix, mosaic)
  5. Landscape planning: urgensi landscape planning; pendekatan landscape planning (damage avoidance, suitability, optimal function)
  1. Landscape concept: landscape definition; landscape approach; principles of landscape approach
  2. Landscape structure and function: landscape structure (composition and configuration); land cover and land use; the shape of the earth's surface; landscape functions
  3. Landscape dynamics and degradation: factors causing landscape dynamics; types of landscape degradation; factors causing landscape degradation; landscape degradation modeling
  4. Landscape ecology: landscape ecology definition; important aspects of landscape ecology; spatial structure of landscape (patch, edge, corridor, matrix, mosaic)
  5. Landscape planning: urgency of landscape planning; landscape planning approach (damage avoidance, suitability, optimal functions)
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu mengintegrasikan landscape approach dalam pengelolaan bentang alam berhutan dengan mempertimbangkan aspek ekologi, ekonomi dan sosial secara lestari.
  2. Mampu mengidentifikasi dan merumuskan permasalahan dan tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam pengelolaan suatu bentang alam dengan melibatkan aspek rekayasa hutan dengan menggunakan metode yang sesuai.
  3. Mampu menganalisis data dan informasi tentang struktur, fungsi, dinamika, dan tata ruang landscape untuk merumuskan solusi permasalahan pengelolaan landscape yang terkait dengan aspek rekayasa hutan.
  1. Able to integrate a landscape approach in forested landscapes management by considering ecological, economic and social aspects in a sustainable manner.
  2. Able to identify and formulate problems and objectives to be achieved in managing a natural landscape by involving aspects of forest engineering using appropriate methods
  3. Able to analyze data and information about the structure, function, dynamics and spatial aspects of landscapes to formulate problem solving related to forest engineering aspects.
Metode PembelajaranProses belajar dalam kelas/lapangan; Praktikum, Tugas terstruktur mandiri/kelompok; Kegiatan mandiriClassroom/field learning process; Practicum, Independent/group structured assignments; Independent activities
Modalitas PembelajaranDaya penyerapan: Visual; Auditorial; Kinestetik Daya pelaksanaan : Sinkron dan Asinkron Mandiri: mencari informasi, mengidentifikasi informasi yang penting, mencatat, mengorganisasi, mengelaborasi, meringkas, dan memantau pemahamanAbsorption power: Visual; Auditorial; Kinesthetic Implementation power: Synchronous and Asynchronous Independent: searching for information, identifying important information, taking notes, organizing, elaborating, summarizing, and monitoring understanding
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianStandar nilai huruf dan nilai indeks sesuai ketentuan akademik ITB (Sistem A, AB, B, BC, C, D, E)Standard grades and index according to ITB academic regulations (System A, AB, B, BC, C, D, E)
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