Kode Mata Kuliah | BW3203 / 2 SKS |
Penyelenggara | 115 - Forestry Engineering / SITH |
Kategori | Lecture |
| Bahasa Indonesia | English |
Nama Mata Kuliah | Konservasi Tumbuhan Tropika | Conservation of Tropical Plants |
Bahan Kajian | - Keanekaragaman tumbuhan tropika dan konservasi: konsep keanekaragaman tumbuhan; keanekaragaman genetic dan spesies tumbuhan; evolusi dan fitogeografi tumbuhan tropika Konservasi tumbuhan : definisi, overview praktik konservasi di wilayah tropika, peran konservasi bagi keanekaragaman hayati tumbuhan hutan khususnya bagi ekosistem tropika
- Ekologi Tumbuhan Tropis: Jenis-jenis ekosistem tropis seperti hutan hujan, savana, dan mangrove; Interaksi Ekologis: Hubungan antara tumbuhan dan komponen ekosistem lainnya seperti fauna, mikroorganisme, dan iklim
- Ancaman terhadap Tumbuhan Tropis: Perubahan Iklim dan dampaknya terhadap distribusi dan kesehatan tumbuhan tropis. Kerusakan Habitat: Deforestasi, urbanisasi, dan konversi lahan serta dampaknya terhadap populasi tumbuhan. Eksploitasi Berlebihan: Dampak penebangan liar, pengumpulan tanaman obat, dan perdagangan tumbuhan hias.
- Strategi Konservasi Tumbuhan : Konservasi In Situ: Pendekatan konservasi di habitat alami, termasuk pembuatan dan pengelolaan kawasan konservasi; Konservasi Ex Situ: Pendekatan di luar habitat alami seperti kebun raya, bank benih, dan kultur jaringan; Restorasi dan Rehabilitasi: Teknik pemulihan habitat yang telah rusak dan pengembalian tumbuhan ke habitat asli.
- Teknik dan Metodologi Konservasi : Metode Inventarisasi dan Monitoring: Teknik untuk mendata dan memantau populasi tumbuhan.
- Teknik Kultur Jaringan dan Pembiakan: Penggunaan bioteknologi untuk mendukung konservasi tumbuhan; Penelitian dan teknologi : Teknologi Modern: Penggunaan teknologi seperti GIS, remote sensing, dan bioteknologi dalam konservasi tumbuhan. Riset Terkini: Penelitian terbaru dan inovasi dalam bidang konservasi tumbuhan
| - Tropical plant diversity and conservation: concept of plant diversity; genetic and species diversity of plants; evolution and phytogeography of tropical plants Plant conservation: definition, overview of conservation practices in the tropics, the role of conservation for forest plant biodiversity, especially for tropical ecosystems.
- Tropical Plant Ecology: Types of tropical ecosystems such as rainforests, savannas, and mangroves; Ecological Interactions: The relationship between plants and other ecosystem components such as fauna, microorganisms, and climate.
- Threats to Tropical Plants: Climate Change and its impact on tropical plant distribution and health. Habitat destruction: Deforestation, urbanization and land conversion and their impact on plant populations. Overexploitation: Impacts of illegal logging, medicinal plant collection, and the ornamental plant trade.
- Plant Conservation Strategies: In Situ Conservation: Conservation approaches in natural habitats, including the creation and management of conservation areas; Ex Situ Conservation: Approaches outside natural habitats such as botanical gardens, seed banks, and tissue culture; Restoration and Rehabilitation: Techniques for restoring damaged habitats and returning plants to native habitats.
- Conservation Techniques and Methodologies: Inventory and Monitoring Methods: Techniques for recording and monitoring plant populations.
- Tissue Culture and Breeding Techniques: Use of biotechnology to support plant conservation; Research and technology: Modern Technology: The use of technologies such as GIS, remote sensing, and biotechnology in plant conservation. Current Research: Recent research and innovations in the field of plant conservation
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - Mampu merencanakan rancangan lapangan untuk memecahkan permasalahan aspek rekayasa hutan khususnya bidang konservasi tumbuhan tropika
- Mampu mengimplementasikan rancangan lapangan untuk memecahkan permasalahan aspek rekayasa hutan khususnya bidang konservasi tumbuhan tropika
- Mampu memilih metode yang tepat yang digunakan dalam praktik konservasi tumbuhan tropika
| - Able to plan field designs to solve problems in forest engineering aspects, especially in the field of tropical plant conservation
- Able to implement field designs to solve problems in forest engineering aspects, especially in the field of tropical plant conservation
- Able to choose the right method used in tropical plant conservation practice
Metode Pembelajaran | Proses belajar dalam kelas/lapangan; Tugas terstruktur mandiri/kelompok; Kegiatan mandiri kelompok | Classroom/field learning process; Independent/group structured assignments; Group independent activities |
Modalitas Pembelajaran | Daya penyerapan: Visual; Auditorial; Kinestetik
Daya pelaksanaan : Sinkron dan Asinkron
Mandiri: mencari informasi, mengidentifikasi informasi yang penting, mencatat, mengorganisasi, mengelaborasi, meringkas, dan memantau pemahaman | Absorption ability: Visual; Auditory; Kinesthetic
Execution ability: Synchronous and Asynchronous
Independent: searching for information, identifying important information, taking notes, organizing, elaborating, summarizing, and monitoring understanding |
Jenis Nilai | ABCDE |
Metode Penilaian | Standar nilai huruf dan nilai indeks sesuai ketentuan akademik ITB (Sistem A, AB, B, BC, C, D, E) | Standard letter grades and index grades according to ITB academic regulations (System A, AB, B, BC, C, D, E) |
Catatan Tambahan | | |