Kode Mata KuliahKI5080 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara248 - Chemistry Teaching / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahStruktur, Fungsi dan Aplikasi BiomolekulBiomolecular Structure, Function and Application
Bahan Kajian
  1. Peran air di dalam sel.
  2. Struktur dan sifat asam amino.
  3. Struktur, fungsi dan aplikasi protein.
  4. Sifat, kinetika dan aplikasi enzim.
  5. Struktur, fungsi dan aplikasi karbohidrat.
  6. Struktur, fungsi dan aplikasi lipid.
  7. Struktur dan fungsi asam nukleat: replikasi, transkripsi dan translasi.
  1. Role of water in the cell.
  2. Structure and properties of amino acids.
  3. Structure, function, and applications of proteins.
  4. Properties, kinetics, and applications of enzymes.
  5. Structure, function, and applications of carbohydrates.
  6. Structure, function, and applications of lipids.
  7. Structure and function of nucleic acids: replication, transcription, and translation.
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Memahami pengetahuan umum mengenai molekul, evolusi dan sistem bufer dalam mahluk hidup.
  2. Memahami dan mengerti jenis-jenis asam amino dan perbedaan sifat kimia masing-masing asam amino berdasarkan gugus sampingnya
  3. Memahami struktur dan sifat protein, mengerti interaksi yang membentuk dan menstabilkan struktur tersebut serta mengetahui fungsi protein dan aplikasinya.
  4. Memahami informasi umum, sifat dan kinetika enzim serta mengetahui aplikasinya dalam industri.
  5. Memahami jenis dan struktur karbohidrat, mengerti interaksi yang membentuk dan menstabilkan struktur tersebut serta mengetahui fungsi karbohidrat dan aplikasinya.
  6. Memahami jenis dan struktur lipid, mengerti interaksi yang membentuk dan menstabilkan struktur tersebut serta mengetahui fungsi lipid dan aplikasinya.
  7. Memahami jenis, sifat dan struktur asam nukleat (DNA dan RNA), mengerti interaksi yang membentuk dan menstabilkan struktur tersebut serta mengetahui fungsi asam nukleat terkait proses replikasi, transkripsi dan translasi.
  1. Understand general knowledge about molecules, evolution, and buffer systems in living organisms.
  2. Understand and recognize the different types of amino acids and the chemical properties of each amino acid based on its side group.
  3. Understand the structure and properties of proteins, the interactions that form and stabilize the structure, as well as the function and applications of proteins.
  4. Understand general information, properties, and kinetics of enzymes and know their applications in industry.
  5. Understand the types and structure of carbohydrates, comprehend the interactions that form and stabilize the structure, and know the function and applications of carbohydrates.
  6. Understand the types and structure of lipids, comprehend the interactions that form and stabilize the structure, and know the function and applications of lipids.
  7. Understand the types, properties, and structure of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), comprehend the interactions that form and stabilize the structure, and know the function of nucleic acids related to the processes of replication, transcription, and translation.
Metode PembelajaranCeramah, diskusi, dan kerja individu.Lecture, discussion, and individual work.
Modalitas PembelajaranVisual, dan auditorial. Sinkronous (luring dan daring) dan/atau asinkronous.Visual and auditory. Synchronous (offline and online) and/or asynchronous.
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUjian dan tugas.Exams and assignments.
Catatan Tambahan