Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - 1. Mampu Memahami, menalar dan mendemonstrasikan prinsip dan pengetahuan dasar teori komunikasi persuasi
- 2. Mampu mencermati, merespon, dan memanfaatkan teknologi media yang berkembang termasuk kecerdasan buatan dalam penerapan komunikasi persuasi secara efektif.
- 3. Mampu mempresentasikan pengaplikasian dan praktik komunikasi persuasi secara lisan dan tulisan dengan efektif.
| - 1. Able to understand, reason, and demonstrate the principles and basic knowledge of persuasion communication theory.
- 2. Able to observe, respond to, and utilize evolving media technologies, including artificial intelligence, for the effective application of persuasive communication.
- 3. Able to present the application and practice of persuasive communication effectively, both orally and in writing.