Kode Mata KuliahMS5020 / 4 SKS
Penyelenggara231 - Mechanical Engineering / FTMD
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahTermodinamika LanjutAdvanced Thermodynamics
Bahan Kajian
  1. Hukum Termodinamika Pertama
  2. Hukum Termodinamika Kedua
  3. Gabungan Hukum Termodinamika Pertama dan Kedua
  4. Sistem Fasa Tunggal
  5. Analisa Eksergi Umum
  6. Sistem Multi-Fasa
  7. Sistem dengan Reaksi Kimia
  8. Sistem Pembangkit Daya
  9. Sistem Termal Energi Surya
  10. Sistem Pendingin (Refrigerasi dan Kriogenik)
  11. Perancangan Termodinamika Penukar Panas dan Penyimpan Panas
  12. Termodinamika Ireversibel
  1. First Law of Thermodynamics
  2. Second Law of Thermodynamics
  3. Combined First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics
  4. Single Phase Systems
  5. General Exergy Analysis
  6. Multi-Phase Systems
  7. Systems with Chemical Reactions
  8. Power Generation Systems
  9. Solar Thermal Energy Systems
  10. Cooling Systems (Refrigeration and Cryogenics)
  11. Thermodynamic Design of Heat Exchangers and Heat Storage
  12. Irreversible Thermodynamics
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Memahami berbagai formulasi Hukum Termo I untuk sistem tertutup maupun sistem terbuka
  2. Memahami Hukum Termo II untuk sistem tertutup dan terbuka
  3. Memahami dan mampu menerapkan persamaan eksergi sistem terbuka dan tertutup dalam analisa sistem
  4. Memahami transformasi Legendre dan mampu menerapkannya dalam perumusan persamaan hubungan sifat termodinamika
  5. Memahami berbagai persamaan sifat termodinamika campuran gas ideal dan nyata serta mampu menerapkannya dalam analisa sistem campuran gas tak-bereaksi
  6. Memahami berbagai konsep stabilitas termodinamika (stabilitas termal, mekanika, atau kimia)
  7. Memahami berbagai persamaan tingkat keadaan dan hukum dasar yang terkait dengan tingkat keadaan jenuh, seperti persamaan van der Waals, aturan kesamaan luas Maxwell, persamaan Clayperon)
  8. Memahami dan mampu menggunakan persamaan dasar sifat termodinamika sistem kesetimbangan campuran reaktif
  9. Mampu melakukan analisa termodinamika sistem pembangkit daya uap, gas, maupun hibrida uap-gas.
  10. Mampu menerapkan berbagai konsep termodinamika radiasi dalam melakukan analisa sistem pemanfaatan radiasi surya, utamanya sistem pengumpul energi surya
  11. Memahami prinsip kerja sistem kriogenik untuk proses pencairan gas dan mampu melakukan analisa termodinamika sistem demikian
  12. Mampu menganalisa penukar panas dengan perubahan fasa
  13. Memahami konsep konduktivitas termal media anisotropik dan persamaan-persamaan konduksi dalam media anisotropik
  1. Understand various formulations of the First Law of Thermodynamics for closed and open systems
  2. Understand the Second Law of Thermodynamics for closed and open systems
  3. Understand and be able to apply open and closed system exergy equations in system analysis
  4. Understand the Legendre transformation and be able to apply it in the formulation of thermodynamic property relationship equations
  5. Understand various equations of thermodynamic properties of ideal and real gas mixtures and be able to apply them in the analysis of non-reacting gas mixture systems
  6. Understand various concepts of thermodynamic stability (thermal, mechanical, or chemical stability)
  7. Understand various state level equations and basic laws related to saturated state levels, such as the van der Waals equation, Maxwell's area similarity rule, Clayperon's equation)
  8. Understand and be able to use the basic equations of thermodynamic properties of reactive mixed equilibrium systems
  9. Able to carry out thermodynamic analysis of steam, gas and steam-gas hybrid power generation systems.
  10. Able to apply various concepts of radiation thermodynamics in analyzing solar radiation utilization systems, especially solar energy collection systems
  11. Understand the working principles of cryogenic systems for the gas liquefaction process and be able to carry out thermodynamic analysis of such systems
  12. Able to analyze heat exchangers with phase changes
  13. Understand the concept of thermal conductivity of anisotropic media and conduction equations in anisotropic media
Metode PembelajaranKombinasi ceramah, diskusi kelompok, dan studi kasus.
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring, sinkron, mandiri.
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianQuiz. Tugas. Ujian Tengah Semester. Ujian Akhir Semester.
Catatan Tambahan