Kode Mata Kuliah | MS5078 / 4 SKS |
Penyelenggara | 231 - Mechanical Engineering / FTMD |
Kategori | Lecture |
| Bahasa Indonesia | English |
Nama Mata Kuliah | Teknik Perkeretaapian | Rail System and Rail Vehicle Engineering |
Bahan Kajian | - Pengantar Sistem Perkeretaapian
- Struktur Produk Sarana Kereta Api
- Dasar Dinamika Kendaraan Rel
- Interaksi Dinamik Jalan Rel dengan Sarana Kereta Api
- Traksi
- Pengereman
- Pengantar Rekayasa Desain Sarana Kereta Api
- Struktur Jalan Rel
- Sistem Operasi dan Persinyalan
- Aspek Material dalam Desain Sarana dan Prasarana KA
| - Introduction to Railway Systems
- Railway Facilities Product Structure
- Basic Dynamics of Rail Vehicles
- Dynamic Interaction of Railways with Railway Facilities
- Traction
- Braking
- Introduction to Railway Facilities Design Engineering
- Railway Structure
- Operating Systems and Signaling
- Material Aspects in Railway Facilities and Infrastructure Design
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - Memahami persyaratan teknis sarana dan pra-sarana kereta api
- Memahami dasar-dasar dinamika pergerakan kereta api di atas jalan rel
- Memahami dasar-dasar sistem pengoperasian kereta api
- Memahami dasar-dasar rekayasa desain sistem dan sarana kereta api
- Mengetahui perkembangan teknologi perkeretaapian terkini serta prospek dan
tantangan di masa y.a.d..
| - Understand the technical requirements of railway facilities and infrastructure
- Understand the basics of the dynamics of train movements on railroad tracks
- Understand the basics of train operating systems
- Understand the basics of engineering design of railway systems and facilities
- Know the latest developments in railway technology as well as prospects and challenges in the future
Metode Pembelajaran | Kuliah tatap muka.
Tugas. | |
Modalitas Pembelajaran | Luring, asinkron dan belajar mandiri. | |
Jenis Nilai | ABCDE |
Metode Penilaian | Pekerjaan Rumah.
Ujian Tengah Semester.
Ujian Akhir Semester. | |
Catatan Tambahan | | |