Kode Mata KuliahGD4110 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara151 - Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering / FITB
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPengenalan Wawasan BahariNautical Sciences
Bahan Kajian
  1. Alat bantu navigasi
  2. Peta laut
  3. Publikasi bahari
  4. Kompas
  5. Prosedur kedaruratan, keamanan, dan keselamatan kerja
  6. Tali-temali dan perkabelan
  7. Penanganan instrumen-instrumen towed dan over-the-side
  8. Penjangkaran dan penambatan
  9. Penanganan instrumen-instrumen tertambat (moored)
  1. Aids to navigation
  2. Nautical charts
  3. Nautical publications
  4. Compass
  5. Emergency, security and safety procedures
  6. Rigging and wiring
  7. Handling of towed and over-the-side instruments
  8. Anchoring and mooring
  9. Handling of moored instruments
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu menjelaskan alat bantu navigasi utama baik yang terapung maupun tertambat, penggunaan sistem identifikasi otomatis/automatic identification systems (AIS), serta komponen-komponen dan fungsi dari global maritime distress and safety systems (GMDSS).
  2. Mampu melakukan perencanaan rute, pengeplotan posisi, dan identifikasi bahaya navigasi berdasarkan informasi dari peta laut, serta merevisi rencana layar sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
  3. Mampu menjelaskan isi peta laut beserta datum, proyeksi, skala, dan indikator ketidakpastian yang berkaitan dengan peta laut tersebut.
  4. Mampu menggunakan isi dari publikasi-publikasi bahari dan kaitannya dengan perencanaan survei.
  5. Mampu menjelaskan kemampuan, keterbatasan, dan kesalahan dari kompas magnetic dan kompas giroskop, serta menentukan dan menerapkan koreksi sesuai dengan kesalahannya.
  6. Mampu menjelaskan pentingnya peralatan darurat beserta prosedur untuk mempertahankan keselamatan kerja.
  7. Mampu membuat diagram yang menunjukkan rute kabel yang aman untuk instrumen-instrumen survei yang digunakan serta metode pengamanan peralatan dalam cuaca buruk.
  8. Mampu membuat simpul-simpul dasar, memilih simpul yang dapat digunakan untuk peralatan survei, serta memilih tipe kawat dan/atau tali yang sesuai dengan instrument.
  9. Mampu melakukan penurunan (deployment) serta pemulihan (recovery) berbagai peralatan survei towed dan over-the-side, meliputi rosette systems and instruments, ROV, AUV, towed systems (magnetometer, side scan sonar), A-frames, dsb.
  10. Mampu menjelaskan metode pendaratan serta penambatan kapal dan bagaiman posisi akhir kapal dapat diatur melalui penjangkaran.
  11. Mampu melakukan persiapan, penurunan (deployment), serta pemulihan (recovery) peralatan survey yang ditambatkan ke dasar laut (moored).
  1. Able to explain the main navigation aids both floating and moored, the use of automatic identification systems (AIS), as well as the components and functions of global maritime distress and safety systems (GMDSS).
  2. Able to conduct route planning, position plotting, and identification of navigation hazards based on information from nautical charts, and revise the sail plan as needed.
  3. Able to explain the contents of nautical charts and the datum, projection, scale and uncertainty indicators associated with them.
  4. Be able to use the contents of nautical publications and their relevance to survey planning.
  5. Able to explain the capabilities, limitations and errors of magnetic compasses and gyroscope compasses, and determine and apply corrections according to their errors.
  6. Able to explain the importance of emergency equipment and procedures to maintain safety.
  7. Able to create diagrams showing safe cable routes for surveying instruments used and methods of securing equipment in bad weather.
  8. Able to make basic knots, select knots that can be used for surveying equipment, and select the type of wire and/or rope appropriate to the instrument.
  9. Able to perform deployment and recovery of various towed and over-the-side survey equipment, including rosette systems and instruments, ROVs, AUVs, towed systems (magnetometers, side scan sonar), A-frames, etc.
  10. Able to explain the method of landing and mooring a vessel and how the final position of the vessel can be adjusted through anchoring.
  11. Able to carry out the preparation, deployment, and recovery of survey equipment moored to the seabed.
Metode PembelajaranSCL: PBL, CBL, PjBLSCL: PBL, CBL, PjBL
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring, Sikron, AsinkronOffline, Synchronous, Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianTertulis: Pilihan, Uraian, Esai Lisan: Presentasi Tugas: Laporan, Demonstrasi, PraktikWritten: Optional, Description, Essay Oral: Presentation Assignment: Report, Demonstration, Practice
Catatan Tambahan