Kode Mata KuliahTB2203 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara145 - Bioenergy and Chemurgical Engineering / FTI
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahOperasi Perpindahan KalorHeat Transfer Operations
Bahan Kajian
  1. Perpindahan Kalor pada Industri
  2. Mekanisme Perpindahan Kalor
  3. Perpindahan Kalor Konduksi
  4. Perpindahan Kalor Konveksi
  5. Perpindahan Kalor Gabungan Konduksi dan Konveksi
  6. Perpindahan Kalor Kontak Langsung
  7. Alat Pertukaran Kalor
  8. Perpindahan Kalor Radiasi
  9. Perpindahan Kalor Gabungan Konduksi, Konveksi, dan Radiasi
  1. Heat Transfer in Industry
  2. Mechanisms of Heat Transfer
  3. Conduction Heat Transfer
  4. Convection Heat Transfer
  5. Combined Conduction and Convection Heat Transfer
  6. Direct Contact Heat Transfer
  7. Heat Exchanger
  8. Radiative Heat Transfer
  9. Combined Conduction, Convection, and Radiation Heat Transfer
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa mampu memahami tujuan perpindahan panas, aplikasi pertukaran panas berbagai alat penukar panas yang digunakan di industri, mengetahui definisi perpindahan panas, berbagai moda perpindahan panas, dan laju perpindahan panas serta memahami mekanisme dibalik masing-masing konsep tersebut.
  2. Mahasiswa memiliki pemahaman mengenai mekanisme konduksi dan metoda dasar perhitungan perpindahan panas konduksi serta mampu menyelesaikan masalah perpindahan panas konduksi untuk berbagai jenis konfigurasi dan dimensi pada kondisi tunak dan tidak tunak.
  3. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan mekanisme konveksi, menerapkan metode perhitungan perpindahan panas konveksi, dan menyelesaikan masalah perpindahan panas untuk berbagai jenis konveksi baik tanpa atau dengan perubahan fasa.
  4. Mampu menyusun persamaan profil temperatur (baik melalui penyusunan neraca energi mikroskopik maupun menggunakan persamaan kontinuitas) serta memahami fenomena fisik yang terwakili oleh persamaan tersebut yang melibatkan perpindahan panas konduksi dan konveksi dan mampu menjelaskan mekanisme dan metode perhitungan perpindahan panas kontak langsung serta menyelesaikan masalah perpindahan panas kontak langsung.
  5. Mampu memahami konsep dasar alat pertukaran panas, mampu mengevaluasi kinerja dan merancang alat perpindahan panas.
  6. Mampu menjelaskan konsep dasar, mekanisme perpindahan panas radiasi dan mampu menghitung luas pertukaran perpindahan panas radiasi dan laju perpindahan panasnya, memahami dan menjelaskan perpindahan gabungan konduksi, konveksi dan radiasi.
  1. Students should be able to understand the objectives of heat transfer, the application of heat exchangers in various industrial settings, define heat transfer, recognize different modes of heat transfer, and understand the rate of heat transfer. Additionally, they should comprehend the mechanisms behind each of these concepts.
  2. Students should have an understanding of the mechanisms of conduction and basic methods for calculating conduction heat transfer. They should also be able to solve conduction heat transfer problems for various configurations and dimensions under both steady-state and unsteady-state conditions.
  3. Students should be able to explain the mechanisms of convection, apply calculation methods for convection heat transfer, and solve heat transfer problems for various types of convection, both with and without phase changes.
  4. Students should be able to formulate temperature profile equations (both through the development of microscopic energy balances and using continuity equations) and understand the physical phenomena represented by these equations, which involve conduction and convection heat transfer. Additionally, they should be able to explain the mechanisms and calculation methods for direct contact heat transfer and solve problems related to direct contact heat transfer.
  5. Students should be able to understand the basic concepts of heat exchangers, evaluate their performance, and design heat transfer equipment.
  6. Students should be able to explain the basic concepts and mechanisms of radiative heat transfer, calculate the area for radiative heat transfer and its rate, and understand and explain combined conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer.
Metode PembelajaranCeramah Demonstrasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Studi KasusLecture Demonstration Case Based Learning
Modalitas PembelajaranPembelajaran Tatap MukaFace-to-Face Learning
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianPenilaian didasarkan pada pengerjaan tugas-tugas kuliah yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa, berupa: proyek kelompok terkait perpindahan panas secara konduksi, konveksi, dan radiasi (mencakup penilaian presentasi dan penilaian sejawat), tugas perancangan sebagai kajian kasus.Assessment is based on the completion of assignments given to students, which include: group projects related to heat transfer by conduction, convection, and radiation (including presentation and peer evaluation), and design assignments as case studies.
Catatan Tambahan