Kode Mata KuliahMK3104 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara192 - Entrepreneurship / SBM
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahModal Insani dan Organisasi untuk Pewirausaha TeknologiHuman and Organisational Capital for Technopreneur
Bahan Kajian
  1. Human Resources Management and organization;
  2. Organization Design and job analysis; Organization Culture;
  3. Communication in Organization;
  4. Design of worker recruitment and Selection; Training and worker development; Performance Management;
  5. Compensation and Remuneration; Compensation based on performance. Human Resources Management and organization; Organization Design and job analysis; Organization Culture; Communication in Organization; Design of worker recruitment and Selection; Training and worker development; Performance Management; Compensation and Remuneration; Compensation based on performance.
  1. Human Resources Management and organization;
  2. Organization Design and job analysis; Organization Culture;
  3. Communication in Organization;
  4. Design of worker recruitment and Selection; Training and worker development; Performance Management;
  5. Compensation and Remuneration; Compensation based on performance. Human Resources Management and organization; Organization Design and job analysis; Organization Culture; Communication in Organization; Design of worker recruitment and Selection; Training and worker development; Performance Management; Compensation and Remuneration; Compensation based on performance.
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu berkomunikasi dan menegosiasikan argumen secara efektif dalam format lisan dan tertulis kepada berbagai pemangku kepentingan. (LO 4.1.)
  2. Mampu bekerja sama dalam tim secara efektif. (LO 5.3.)
  1. Capable of communicating and negotiating arguments effectively in verbal and written format to multiple stakeholders. (LO 4.1.)
  2. Capable of working together in a team effectively. (LO 5.3.)
Metode PembelajaranKombinasi ceramah, Diskusi Kelompok, Simulasi & Bermain Peran,Lecturing, group discussion, role play and simulation
Modalitas PembelajaranBauran, Sinkron dan Asinkron, Mandiri dan kelompok,mixed, synchronize, asynchronous, self learning, group learning
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianPenilaian individu, tugas kelompok, quiz, ujian akhirIndividual assignment, group assignment, quiz, final exam
Catatan Tambahan