Kode Mata KuliahKI5021 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara205 - Chemistry / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahSensor dan BiosensorSensors and Biosensors
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pengantar: definisi sensor dan boiosensor serta aspek-aspek penting sensor
  2. Sensor termal: Prinsip kerja transducer termal dan sspek-aspek penting dari transducer termal
  3. Sensor massa: prinsip kerja transducer massa dan aspek-aspek penting dari transducer massa
  4. Sensor elektrokimia: Klasifikasi sensor elektrokimia, prinsip pengukuran berbagai metoda analisis berbasis elektrokimia, prinsip kerja transducer potensiometri, konduktometri dan amperometry, aspek-aspek penting dari transducer potensiometri, konduktometri dan amperometri
  5. Sensor optik: Prinsip kerja transducer optic dan aspek-aspek penting dari transducer optik
  6. Kajian perkembangan terbaru sensor kimia dan biosensor
  1. uction: Definition of Sensors and Biosensors and Important Aspects of Sensors
  2. Thermal Sensors: Working principles of thermal transducers and important aspects of thermal transducers.
  3. Mass Sensors: Working principles of mass transducers and important aspects of mass transducers.
  4. Electrochemical Sensors: Classification of electrochemical sensors, measurement principles of various electrochemical analysis methods, working principles of potentiometric, conductometric, and amperometric transducers, and important aspects of potentiometric, conductometric, and amperometric transducers.
  5. ucers. Optical Sensors: Working principles of optical transducers and important aspects of optical transducers.
  6. Review of Recent Developments in Chemical Sensors and Biosensors
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Memahami prinsip kerja sensor kimia dan biosensor serat penerapannya dalam anĂ¡lisis kimia
  2. Mampu memahami tulisan ilmiah terkait perkembangan terbaru sensor kimia dan biosensor.
  3. Mampu merangkum perkembangan terbaru sensor kimia dan biosensor dari berbagai sumber dan mengkomunikasikannya dalam seminar.
  1. Understand the working principles of chemical sensors and biosensors and their applications in chemical analysis.
  2. Be able to comprehend scientific literature related to recent developments in chemical sensors and biosensors.
  3. Be able to summarize recent developments in chemical sensors and biosensors from various sources and communicate them in a seminar.
Metode PembelajaranCeramah, diskusi interaktif, presentasiLectures, interactive discussions, presentations
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring, Sinkron, Daring/Bauran, Asinkrononline, synchronous Online/Hybrid, asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianTugas, Kuis, UTS dan UAS Penilaian Kuliah: 60% ujian (4 kali quis) + 40% tugas (presentasi)Assignments, quizzes, mid-term exams, and final exams Grading: Lecture Assessment: 60% exams (4 quizzes) + 40% assignments (presentations)
Catatan Tambahan