Kode Mata KuliahTB4006 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara145 - Bioenergy and Chemurgical Engineering / FTI
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahTeknologi Pengolahan Minyak dan LemakOil and Fat Processing Technology
Bahan Kajian
  1. Kimia Minyak Lemak
  2. Produksi dan Pemurnian Minyak Lemak
  3. Pengolahan Minyak Lemak
  4. Produksi Turunan Bahan Kimia dari Minyak Lemak
  5. Perancangan Proses dan Produk Hilir Minyak Lemak
  1. Fatty Oil Chemistry
  2. Production and Refining of Fatty Oils
  3. Processing of Fatty Oils
  4. Production of Chemical Derivatives from Fatty Oils
  5. Process Design and Downstream Products of Fatty Oils
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa mampu memahami sifat fisik dan kimia minyak nabati, terutama parameter penciri minyak nabati.
  2. Mahasiswa mampu memahami metode ekstraksi minyak nabati dari sumber minyak-lemak.
  3. Mahasiswa mampu memahami proses pemulusan dan pemurnian minyak-lemak hingga diperoleh minyak-lemak mulus.
  4. Mahasiswa mampu mengkaji turunan-turunan bahan kimia dari minyak-lemak serta proses produksinya.
  5. Mahasiswa mampu mempresentasikan hasil kajian pustaka terkait proses produksi turunan-turunan minyak-lemak.
  1. Students are able to understand the physical and chemical properties of vegetable oils, particularly the key parameters of vegetable oils.
  2. Students are able to understand methods for extracting vegetable oils from oil-fat sources.
  3. Students are able to understand the processes of degumming and refining oils and fats to obtain smooth, refined oils.
  4. Students are able to analyze chemical derivatives of fats and oils and their production processes.
  5. Students are able to present literature review findings related to the production processes of oil and fat derivatives.
Metode PembelajaranKuliah Klasikal Diskusi Kelompok Studi KasusLecture Group Discussion Case Study
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring Mandiri dan KelompokOffline Individual and Group
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUjian, Tugas, dan KuisExam, Assignment, and Quiz
Catatan Tambahan