Kode Mata KuliahTB4009 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara145 - Bioenergy and Chemurgical Engineering / FTI
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPolimer dan Komposit Bahan NabatiBiopolymers and Composites
Bahan Kajian
  1. Struktur dan karakteristik polimer dan komposit
  2. Aplikasi polimer dan komposit bahan nabati
  3. Tantangan dan prospek polimer dan komposit bahan nabati
  4. Sumber polimer nabati dan proses ekstraksinya
  5. Sintesis dan modifikasi polimer nabati dan kompositnya
  6. Sifat fisik, mekanik, dan biodegradabilitas polimer nabati
  7. Teknik karakterisasi polimer nabati dan kompositnya
  8. Hubungan struktur dan karakteristik polimer nabati
  9. Studi kasus penerapan polimer dan komposit bahan nabati (review tantangan & prospek, regulasi & standar, siklus hidup, dan kontribusinya terhadap ekonomi sirkular)
  1. Structure and characteristics of natural polymer and composite materials
  2. Applications of natural polymer and composite materials derived from plants
  3. Challenges and prospects of natural polymer and composite materials
  4. Sources of natural polymers and their extraction processes
  5. Synthesis and modification of natural polymers and their composites
  6. Physical, mechanical, and biodegradability properties of natural polymers
  7. Characterization techniques for natural polymers and their composites
  8. Relationship between structure and characteristics of natural polymers
  9. Case studies on the application of natural polymer and composite materials (reviewing challenges & prospects, regulations & standards, life cycle, and their contribution to the circular economy)
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi sumber polimer nabati dan proses ekstraksinya.
  2. Mampu menerangkan struktur dan karakteristik polimer dan komposit bahan nabati.
  3. Mampu menerangkan teknik sintesis/modifikasi dan karakterisasi polimer dan komposit bahan nabati.
  4. Mampu mendiskusikan dan menganalisa penerapan polimer dan komposit bahan nabati dengan mempertimbangkan tantangan dan prospek masa depan, regulasi & standar, siklus hidup, dan kontribusinya terhadap ekonomi sirkular.
  1. Students are able to identify sources of natural polymers and their extraction processes.
  2. Able to explain the structure and characteristics of natural polymer and composite materials.
  3. Able to xplain the techniques of synthesis/modification and characterization of natural polymer and composite materials.
  4. Able to discuss and analyze the application of natural polymer and composite materials, considering future challenges and prospects, regulations & standards, life cycle, and their contribution to the circular economy.
Metode PembelajaranCeramah. Diskusi kelompok. Pembelajaran kooperatif.Lecture. Group discussion. Cooperative learning.
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring.Offline.
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUjian 50%. Studi kasus 50%.Exam 50%. Case study 50%.
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