Kode Mata KuliahFI6261 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara202 - Physics / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahKapita Selekta Fisika Bumi Sistem KompleksSelected Topics in Earth Physics Complex Systems
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pendahuluan cadangan energi dan mineral
  2. Pendahuluan Sedimentologi, Tektonika
  3. Pendahuluan Karakter Batuan Beku, Batu Sedimen, Batu Metamorf,, secara Fisika Batuan
  4. Tipe dan perhitungan cadangan Migas: Struktur, Stratigraphy
  5. Tipe dan perhitungan Cadangan Mineral, Geothermal, Termasuk pengenalan Hot Dry Rock, Tipe Cadangan Migas Konvensional dan Non KOnvensional seperti Shale Gas maupun Methane Hydrate
  6. Metode Geofisika untuk eksplorasi dan pengembangan lapangan
  7. Metode Fisika untuk karakterisasi Batuan dan Fluida: XRD, XRF, CT-Scan, GC, GCMS, NMR, TEM, AAS, Raman Spectrometer
  8. Bahasan metode Geofisika mencakup Gravity, Magnet, Elektromagnetik, Seismik, Resistivitas, termasuk Tomografi dan pendahuluan Petrophysics Well Logging
  9. Perhitungan cadangan sumber daya bumi secara ekonomi, dengan melibatkan perhitungan Volumetrik cadangan termasuk estimasi energi melalui perhitungan tekanan, temperature, berlandaskan Fisika secara Thermodinamika, Radioaktifitas benda (gamma spektrum, neutron density, positron, NMR), sifat listrik, sifat elastik,dengan melibatkan statistik Montecarlo
  10. Bahasan integrasi data dengan Geo-Statistik, Bayesian Statistik, Machine Learning dan Kecerdasan Buatan, untuk penemuan sumber daya baru dan perhitungan cadangan
  1. Introduction to energy and mineral reserves
  2. Introduction to Sedimentology, Tectonics
  3. Introduction to the Character of Igneous Rocks, Sedimentary Rocks, Metamorphic Rocks, Rock Physics
  4. Types and calculation of oil and gas reserves: Structure, Stratigraphy
  5. Types and calculations of Mineral Reserves, Geothermal, Including the introduction of Hot Dry Rock, Conventional and Non-Conventional Oil and Gas Reserve Types such as Shale Gas and Methane Hydrate
  6. Geophysical methods for exploration and field development
  7. Physical Methods for Rock and Fluid characterization: XRD, XRF, CT-Scan, GC, GCMS, NMR, TEM, AAS, Raman Spectrometer
  8. Discussion of Geophysical methods includes Gravity, Magnetism, Electromagnetics, Seismic, Resistivity, including Tomography and introduction to Petrophysics Well Logging
  9. Economic calculation of earth's resource reserves, involving volumetric calculations of reserves including energy estimation through calculations of pressure, temperature, based on thermodynamic physics, radioactivity of objects (gamma spectrum, neutron density, positron, NMR), electrical properties, elastic properties, involving statistics Monte Carlo
  10. Discussion of data integration with Geo-Statistics, Bayesian Statistics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, for the discovery of new resources and calculation of reserves
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu memahami Tipe Sumber Daya Bumi dan proses pembentukannya
  2. Memahami konsep pengendapan batuan, tektonika dalam hubungannya dengan proses pembentukan sumber daya bumi yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk manusia
  3. Mampu berpikir secara sistemis dan memiliki pola pikir yang logis untuk merumuskan dan memecahkan masalah cadangan sumberdaya bumi dengan mempergunakan perangkat berbasiskan fisika.
  4. Mampu memahami metode geofisika untuk mengukur cadangan sumber daya bumi di bawah permukaan bumi, diantarnya: Gravity, Magnet, Elektromagnetik, Seismik, Resistivitas, Well-Logging
  5. Mengetahui cara penggunaan geostatistik untuk perhitungan spasial, maupun kecerdasan buatan (machine learning) untuk mencari cadangan mineral dan energi, serta untuk penentuan besar cadangannya secara keekonomian
  1. Able to understand the Types of Earth Resources and their formation processes
  2. Understand the concept of rock deposition, tectonics in relation to the process of forming earth resources that can be utilized by humans
  3. Able to think systemically and have a logical mindset to formulate and solve problems of earth's resource reserves using physics-based tools.
  4. Able to understand geophysical methods for measuring earth's resource reserves below the earth's surface, including: Gravity, Magnetism, Electromagnetics, Seismic, Resistivity, Well-Logging
  5. Know how to use geostatistics for spatial calculations, as well as artificial intelligence (machine learning) to search for mineral and energy reserves, as well as to determine the economic size of their reserves
Metode PembelajaranKuliah, tutorial, diskusi, kerja kelompok, PBL, RBLLectures, tutorials, discussions, group work, PBL, RBL
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring Sinkron, Bauran/Daring AsinkronSynchronous Offline, Asynchronous Mixed/Online
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUTS, UAS, Tugas, RBL dan KuisUTS, UAS, Assignments, RBL and Quizzes
Catatan TambahanMKPBMKPB