Kode Mata KuliahFI5086 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara247 - Physics Teaching / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahBumi Antariksa dan Sains KehidupanEarth, Space and Life Sciences
Bahan Kajian
  1. Jagat raya: galaksi, kluster galaksi, bintang, evlusi jagat raya
  2. Tata Surya: sistem tatasurya; Matahari sebagai bintang; planet, bulan, dan karakteristiknya; revolusi Bumi dan Bulan; rotasi Bumi;
  3. Iklim dan cuaca: pengertian; pengaruh rotasi dan revolusi Bumi bagi kehidupan di Bumi; dampak perubahan iklim bagi ekosistem; isu pemanasan global
  4. Lapisan Bumi: struktur Bumi, gunung api, gempa bumi dan tsunami, mitigasi bencana
  5. Lapisan atmosfer Bumi: lapisan atmosfer dan karakteristiknya; pengaruh lapisan atmosfer terhadap kehidupan di Bumi; pengaruh pemanasan global terhadap atmosfer
  6. Klasifikasi: makhluk hidup dan benda tak hidup, ciri-ciri makhluk hidup, klasifikasi makhluk hidup
  7. Sistem Organisasi Kehidupan: sel, jaringan, organ, sistem organ, organisme
  8. Energi: bentuk-bentuk energi, sumber energi, perubahan bentuk energi, transfer energi dalam sel, fotosintesis, respirasi
  9. Sistem Pencernaan Makanan dan Kaitannya dengan Sistem Tubuh: sistem pencernaan, sistem pernapasan, sistem peredaran darah
  10. Sistem ekskresi manusia: pengertian, organ, dan penyakit yang terkait
  11. Sistem reproduksi: sistem reproduksi pada manusia, tumbuhan, dan hewan.
  12. Hereditas Manusia
  13. Sistem Gerak pada Manusia: struktur rangka dan otot
  14. Makhluk Hidup dan Lingkungan: interaksi antara makhluk hidup dan lingkungan, dinamika populasi
  15. Pencemaran Lingkungan: pencemaran udara, pencemaran air, pencemaran tanah, dampak pencemaran bagi ekosistem
  1. Universe: galaxies, galaxy clusters, stars, evolution of the universe
  2. Solar System: solar system; The sun as a star; planets, moons, and their characteristics; revolution of the Earth and Moon; Earth Rotation;
  3. Climate and weather: meaning; the influence of the Earth's rotation and revolution on life on Earth; the impact of climate change on ecosystems; global warming issue
  4. Earth Layers: Earth structure, volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis, disaster mitigation
  5. Layers of the Earth's atmosphere: layers of the atmosphere and their characteristics; the influence of atmospheric layers on life on Earth; the effect of global warming on the atmosphere
  6. Classification: living things and non-living things, characteristics of living things, classification of living things
  7. Life Organization Systems: cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms
  8. Energy: forms of energy, sources of energy, changes in forms of energy, transfer of energy in cells, photosynthesis, respiration
  9. Food Digestive System and Its Relationship to Body Systems: digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system
  10. Human excretory system: definition, organs and related diseases
  11. Reproductive system: reproductive system in humans, plants and animals.
  12. Human Heredity
  13. Movement System in Humans: skeletal and muscle structure
  14. Living Things and the Environment: interactions between living things and the environment, population dynamics
  15. Environmental Pollution: air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, impact of pollution on the ecosystem
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa memahami struktur dan dinamika jagat raya, sistem tata surya, rotasi dan revolusi bumi dan bulan, serta dampaknya bagi kehidupan di bumi
  2. Mahasiswa memahami Bumi sebagai tempat kehidupan, lapisan Bumi, atmosfer Bumi, pengaruh dinamika Bumi terhadap kehidupan, bencana dan mitigasinya
  3. Mahasiswa memahami sistem-sistem dasar yang mencirikan makhluk hidup.
  4. Mahasiswa mampu memecahkan masalah yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan hidup dan mitigasi bencana
  5. Mahasiswa memahami struktur dan dinamika jagat raya, sistem tata surya, rotasi dan revolusi bumi dan bulan, serta dampaknya bagi kehidupan di bumi
  6. Mahasiswa memahami Bumi sebagai tempat kehidupan, lapisan Bumi, atmosfer Bumi, pengaruh dinamika Bumi terhadap kehidupan, bencana dan mitigasinya
  1. Students understand the structure and dynamics of the universe, the solar system, the rotation and revolution of the earth and moon, and their impact on life on earth
  2. Students understand the Earth as a place of life, the layers of the Earth, the Earth's atmosphere, the influence of Earth dynamics on life, disasters and their mitigation
  3. Students understand the basic systems that characterize living things.
  4. Students are able to solve problems related to the environment and disaster mitigation
  5. Students understand the structure and dynamics of the universe, the solar system, the rotation and revolution of the earth and moon, and their impact on life on earth
  6. Students understand the Earth as a place of life, the layers of the Earth, the Earth's atmosphere, the influence of Earth dynamics on life, disasters and their mitigation
Metode PembelajaranTatap muka, problem based learning (PBL), research based learning (RBL)In-person class, problem based learning (PBL), research based learning (RBL)
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring singkron, visualSynchronous offline, visual
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUTS, UAS, Tugas, Kuis, RBL/PBLUTS, UAS, Assignments, Quizzes, RBL/PBL
Catatan TambahanMKWPMKWP