Bahan Kajian | - Konsep dasar kerja obat dan farmakodinamika
- Farmakokinetika
- Autakoid dan vitamin
- Farmakologi dan toksikologi obat sistem respirasi
- Farmakologi dan toksikologi obat sistem ekskresi
- Farmakologi dan toksikologi obat sistem pencernaan
- Farmakologi dan toksikologi obat sistem kardiovaskular
- Farmakologi dan toksikologi obat sistem endokrin
- Farmakologi dan toksikologi obat sistem saraf
| - Basic concepts of drug action and pharmacodynamics
- Pharmacokinetics
- Autacoids and vitamins
- Pharmacology and toxicology of drugs of the respiratory system
- Pharmacology and toxicology of drugs of the excretory system
- Pharmacology and toxicology of drugs of the digestive system
- Pharmacology and toxicology of drugs of the cardiovascular system
- Pharmacology and toxicology of drugs of the endocrine system
- Pharmacology and toxicology of drugs of the nervous system
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - Mampu mengemukakan konsep dasar kerja obat, farmakodinamik, dan farmakokinetik pada autakoid, vitamin, serta obat-obat pada sistem respirasi, ekskresi, pencernaan, kardiovaskular, endokrin, dan saraf.
- Mampu mengkorelasikan teori farmakokinetik dan farmakodinamik dengan efek terapetik dan efek toksik dari obat-obat pada sistem respirasi, ekskresi, pencernaan, kardiovaskular, endokrin, dan saraf.
| - Able to present the basic concepts of drug, pharmacodynamic, and pharmacokinetic work on autacoids, vitamins, and drugs in the respiratory, excretory, digestive, cardiovascular, endocrine, and nervous systems.
- Able to correlate pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic theories with the therapeutic effects and toxic effects of drugs on the respiratory, excretory, digestive, cardiovascular, endocrine, and nervous systems.