Kode Mata Kuliah | RN5062 / 2 SKS |
Penyelenggara | 249 - Nuclear Science and Technology / FMIPA |
Kategori | Lecture |
| Bahasa Indonesia | English |
Nama Mata Kuliah | Laboratorium | Laboratory |
Bahan Kajian | - Membahas tentang prinsip kerja alat, metoda eksperimen dan pengambilan data, serta pengolahan data yang terkait dengan bidang nuklir dan aplikasinya
| - Discusses the working principles of tools, experimental methods and data collection, as well as data processing related to the nuclear field and its applications
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - Mahasiswa mampu memahami konsep dan prinsip bidang ilmu dan rekayasa nuklir terkait dengan kegiatan laboratorium yang dilakukan
- Memiliki keterampilan terkait penggunaan alat untuk penyelesaian permasalahan dalam bidang kajian ilmu dan rekayasa nuklir terkait
- Mahasiswa mampu bekerja mandiri maupun dalam tim dalam semua proses kegiatan laboratorium
| - Students are able to understand the concepts and principles of nuclear science and engineering related to laboratory activities carried out
- Have skills related to the use of tools to solve problems in the related field of nuclear science and engineering studies
- Students are able to work independently or in teams in all laboratory activity processes
Metode Pembelajaran | Ceramah, diskusi, pembelajaran berbasis riset/masalah/studi kasus, presentasi, praktikum | Lectures, discussions, research/problem/case study based learning, presentations, practicums |
Modalitas Pembelajaran | Luring, daring, hybrid, sinkron, asinkron | Offline, online, hybrid, synchronous, asynchronous |
Jenis Nilai | ABCDE |
Metode Penilaian | Kuis, Tugas, UTS, UAS, Presentasi, RBL | Quizzes, Assignments, UTS, UAS, Presentations, RBL |
Catatan Tambahan | | |