Kode Mata KuliahGL2104 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara120 - Geological Engineering / FITB
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahGeologi StrukturStructural Geology
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pendahuluan: - Definisi Geologi Struktur dan proses deformasi - Jenis-jenis unsur struktur geologi dan cara mempelajarinya - Pengertian tentang analisis deskriptif, kinematika dan dinamika dalam Geologi Struktur Stress dan Strain - Konsep Keterakan (Strain) pada batuan - Konsep Stress - Persamaan Strain, Strain ellips dan Strain ellipsoid
  2. Analisis Kinematika dan Dinamika - Prinsip gaya dan tegasan - Vektor tegasan, Tegasan Normal dan Geser - Persamaan Stress dan Stress ellipse/Stress ellipsoid - Diagram Mohr pada Stress - Hubungan Strain dan Stress (Hukum Hooke) Modulus Young - Poisson Ratio, Yield Strength - Plastic (ductile) deformation dan Brittle deformation - Prinsip Mohr-Coulomb dan mekanika pembentukan rekahan
  3. Unsur Struktur - Struktur primer dan sekunder (tektonik) - Struktur primer pada batuan sedimen dan batuan beku - Struktur kontak dan ketidakselarasan - Kegunaan struktur primer, struktur sekunder dan bidang kontak dalam analisis strukur Rekahan, Kekar dan Sesar - Deformasi “brittle” pada batuan - Definisi dan klasifikasi rekahan - Geometri Rekahan dan Sesar - Kekar, rekahan dan hubungannya dengan struktur Sesar dan Lipatan
  4. Sesar (Fault) - Definisi dan ciri-ciri lapangan - Jenis pergerakan, pola dan jenis sesar normal, sesar naik (Fold-Thrust) dan sesar strike-slip Lipatan: - Definisi dan geometri lipatan - Kinematika dalam proses perlipatan - Jenis dan klasifikasi lipatan - Hubungan lipatan dan struktur sesar dan rekahan Foliasi, Bidang Belahan (cleavage)dan Lineasi - Deformasi “ductile” pada batuan - Definisi dan jenis foliasi, belahan dan lineasi - Penerapan foliasi, belahan dan lineasi dalam analisis kinematika.
  5. Aplikasi Struktur Geologi dalam prospek hidrokarbon, mineral dan geologi Teknik - Rekahan, Sesar, lipatan dan perangkap hidrokarbon - Kaitan Rekahan dan Sesar dalam proses mineralisasi - Rekahan, sesar dan analisis kestabilan lereng
  1. Introduction: - Definition of Geology Structure and deformation process - Types of geological structural elements and how to study them - Understanding of descriptive analysis, kinematics and dynamics in structural geology Stress and Strain - Concept of Strain in rocks - Stress Concept - Strain equation, elliptical strain and ellipsoid strain
  2. Kinematics and Dynamics Analysis - Principle of force and stress - Stress Vector, Normal Stress and Shear - Stress Equation and Stress ellipse/Stress ellipsoid - Mohr Diagram of Stress - Strain and Stress Relationship (Hooke's Law) Young's Modulus - Poisson Ratio, Yield Strength - Plastic (ductile) deformation and Brittle deformation - Mohr-Coulomb principle and mechanics of fracture formation
  3. Structure Elements - Primary and secondary structures (tectonics) - Primary structure in sedimentary and igneous rocks - Contact structure and misalignment - Usefulness of primary structure, secondary structure and contact area in structural analysis Fractures, Rocks and Faults - "Brittle" deformation of rocks - Definition and classification of fractures - Fracture and Fault Geometry - Faults, fractures and their relationship with Fault and Fold structures
  4. Fault - Definition and characteristics of the field - Movement types, patterns and types of normal faults, thrust faults and strike-slip faults Folds: - Definition and geometry of folds - Kinematics in the folding process - Types and classification of folds - Fold and structure relationships of faults and fractures Foliation, Cleavage and Lineations - "Ductile" deformation of rocks - Definition and types of foliation, cleavage and lineation
  5. - Application of foliation, cleavage and lineation in kinematics analysis. Application of Geological Structures in hydrocarbon prospecting, minerals and geological Engineering - Fractures, Faults, folds and hydrocarbon traps - Fracture and Fault links in the mineralization process - Fractures, faults and slope stability analysis
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa mampu mengenal unsur struktur geologi
  2. Mampu melakukan deskripsi geometrik, analisis kinematik dan dinamik serta dapat menjelaskan proses kejadiannya
  3. Mampu melakukan sintesis dalam kaitannya dengan proses tektonik yang terkait dengan pembentukan struktur tersebut
  1. Students are able to recognize the elements of geological structure
  2. Able to perform geometric description, kinematic and dynamic analysis and can explain the process of its occurrence
  3. Able to synthesize in relation to the tectonic processes associated with the formation of these structures
Metode PembelajaranKBL :Knowledge Based Leaning Problem based learning (PBL)KBL :Knowledge Based Leaning Problem based learning (PBL)
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring Daring Sinkron AsinkronOffline Online Synchronous Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianPilihan Laporan UraianOptions Report Description
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