Kode Mata KuliahGL2106 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara120 - Geological Engineering / FITB
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPetrologiPetrology
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pendahuluan: - Definisi/cakupan ilmu petrologi, kegunaan - Perulangan tentang bumi dan lapisan-lapisan pembentuknya - Definisi magma - Definisi batuan - Jenis batuan - Definisi batuan plutonik dan volkanik Batuan Beku: - Diferensiasi magma - Macam-macam diferensiasi - Diagram fase : definisi,kegunaan dan jenis-jenisnya - Pembahasan sistem inikomponen & sistem biner - Batuan beku intrusive dan ekstrusiv - Struktur dan tekstur batuan beku
  2. Batuan Piroklastik: - Definisi endapan piroklastik - Macam-macam endapan piroklastik - Klasifikasi batuan piroklastik Batuan Sedimen Non Karbonat: - Proses pembentukan batuan sedimen - Struktur sedimen - Batuan sedimen klastik halus (batulempung,serpih,batulumpur) Batupasir (batuan sedimen klastik - sedang/menengah - Batuan sedimen klastik kasar (konglomerat, breksi) - Batupasir-klasifikasi, diagenesis dan provenan
  3. Batuan Sedimen Karbonat: - Definisi batuan karbonat - Komponen pembentuk batuan karbonat - Macam-macam batuan karbonat - Diagenesis batuan karbonat Batuan Metamorf: - Definisi batuan metamorf - Konsep fasies, seri fasies metamorphosis - Macam-macam matamorf/batuan metamorf - Dinamo-termal
  1. Introduction: - Definition/scope of petrology, uses - Repetition about the earth and the layers that make it up - Definition of magma - Definition of rock - Rock type - Definition of plutonic and volcanic rocks Frozen Rocks: - Magma differentiation - Types of differentiation - Phase diagram: definition, uses and types - Discussion of inicomponent systems & binary systems - Intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks - Structure and texture of igneous rocks
  2. Pyroclastic Rocks: - Definition of pyroclastic deposits - Types of pyroclastic deposits - Classification of pyroclastic rocks Non-Carbonate Sedimentary Rocks: - Sedimentary rock formation process - Sedimentary structure - Fine clastic sedimentary rocks (mudstone, shale, mudstone) Sandstone (clastic sedimentary rocks - medium/medium - Coarse clastic sedimentary rocks (conglomerate, breccia) - Sandstone-classification, diagenesis and provenance
  3. Carbonate Sedimentary Rocks: - Definition of carbonate rock - Components that form carbonate rocks - Types of carbonate rocks - Carbonate rock diagenesis Metamorphic Rocks: - Definition of metamorphic rock - Facies concept, metamorphosis facies series - Types of matamorphic/metamorphic rocks - Dynamo-thermal
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa dapat mengenali batuan sebagai bagian dari litosfer.
  2. Mahasiswa dapat memahami tentang batuan (jenis batuan, mineralogi, tekstur, struktur, genesa secara umum)
  3. Mahasiswa dapat mendeskripsi batuan secara megaskopis (mineralogi, tekstur, struktur)
  4. Mahasiswa dapat memperkirakan proses pembentukannya/genesanya sebatas kenampakan tersebut
  1. Students can recognize rocks as part of the lithosphere.
  2. Students are able to understand about rocks (rock types, mineralogy, texture, structure, genesis in general)
  3. Students are able to describe rocks megascopically (mineralogy, texture, structure)
  4. Students are able to estimate the formation process / genesis to the extent of these appearances
Metode PembelajaranKBL :Knowledge Based Leaning SBL : Skill Based Learning Problem based learning (PBLKBL :Knowledge Based Leaning SBL : Skill Based Learning Problem based learning (PBL
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring Daring Sinkron AsinkronOffline Online Synchronous Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianPilihan Uraian PraktikOptions Description Practice
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