Kode Mata KuliahGL3207 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara120 - Geological Engineering / FITB
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahGeologi GeotermalGeothermal Geology
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pendahuluan: - Silabus dan tujuan perkuliahan - Daftar pustaka yang digunakan - Persentase penilaian - Pembagian sistem geotermal - Penyebaran lapangan geotermal di dunia dan Indonesia - Utilisasi energi geotermal
  2. Sistem Hidrotermal: - Sistem berputar dan tersimpan - Sistem temperatur rendah dan tinggi - Sistem di relief rendah/datar dan tinggi - Sistem yang didominasi air dan uap Geologi Geotermal: - Peranan geologi (termasuk geofisika & geokimia) dalam eksplorasi geotermal - Manifestasi panasbumi di permukaan
  3. Pemetaan di Daerah Geotermal: - Foto udara dan citra/landsat - Pemetaan & rekonstruksi penampang - Sampling Survei Geofisika di Daerah Geotermal: - Survei gaya berat - Survei tahanan jenis, dan survey lainnya Survey Geokimia di Daerah Geotermal: sampling dan analisa kimia Survey Geokimia Terintegrasi di Daerah Geotermal: Case Study
  4. Geokimia Geotermal Air: - Tipe - Jenis dan distribusi fluida geotermal Geokimia Geotermal Gas: komposisi dan pengaruh gas pada sistem geotermal Geotermometer : Geotermometer Air dan Geotermometer Gas Geotermometer Mineral: - Geotermometer mineral lempung - Geotermometer kalk-silikat - Geoindikator mineral lain
  5. Alterasi Hidrotermal : - Perubahan sifat fisik batuan sebagai dasar interpretasi survei geofisika - Perubahan mineralogi (alterasi di dekat permukaan dan di bawah permukaan) Survei Lain yang Dilakukan di Daerah Geotermal: - Volkanostratigrafi - Hidrogeokimia Survei udara tanah
  1. Introduction: - Syllabus and course objectives - Bibliography used - Assessment percentage - Geothermal system division - Distribution of geothermal fields in the world and Indonesia - Utilization of geothermal energy
  2. Hydrothermal Systems: - Rotating and stored system - Low and high temperature systems - Systems in low/flat and high relief - Water- and vapor-dominated systems Geothermal Geology: - The role of geology (including geophysics & geochemistry) in geothermal exploration - Surface geothermal manifestations
  3. Mapping in Geothermal Areas: - Aerial photography and imagery/landsat - Cross-section mapping & reconstruction - Sampling Geophysical Survey in Geothermal Areas: - Weight force survey - Type resistance surveys, and other surveys Geochemical Survey in Geothermal Areas: sampling and chemical analysis Integrated Geochemical Survey in Geothermal Areas: A Case Study
  4. Geochemistry of Geothermal Water: - Type - Geothermal fluid types and distribution Geochemistry of Geothermal Gases: composition and influence of gases on geothermal systems Geothermometers: Water Geothermometer and Gas Geothermometer Mineral Geothermometer: - Clay mineral geothermometer - Calc-silicate geothermometer - Other mineral geoindicators
  5. Hydrothermal Alteration - Changes in the physical properties of rocks as a basis for geophysical survey interpretation - Mineralogical changes (near-surface and subsurface alteration) Other Surveys Conducted in Geothermal Areas: - Volcanostratigraphy - Hydrogeochemistry - Ground air survey
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa mengetahui berbagai tahap eksplorasi panasbumi dan metode geologi geofisika dan geokimia yang digunakan
  2. Mahasiswa dapat mengkompilasi data geologi, geofisika dan geokimia untuk eksplorasi pendahuluan suatu lapangan panasbumi
  1. Students know the various stages of geothermal exploration and geological methods geophysics and geochemistry used
  2. Students are able to compile geological, geophysical and geochemical data for preliminary exploration of a geothermal field
Metode PembelajaranKnowledge Based Learning Case Based Learning Project-based learningKnowledge Based Learning Case Based Learning Project-based learning
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring Daring Sinkron AsinkronOffline Online Synchronous Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianPilihan Uraian Esai Presentasi Debat Laporan Demonstrasi PraktikOptions Description: Essay Presentation Debate Report Demonstration Practice
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