Kode Mata KuliahGL3102 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara120 - Geological Engineering / FITB
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahGeologi SejarahHistorical Geology
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pendahuluan: Konsep Waktu dalam Geologi Geosinklin dan Tektonik Global
  2. Kejadian-kejadian Geologi dan perkembangan kehidupan dalam kerangka waktu geologi: Pra Kambrium Paleozoikum Awal Paleozoikum Akhir Mesozoikum Awal Mesozoikum Akhir Tersier (Paleogen) Tersier (Neogen) Kuarter
  3. Evolusi Kehidupan
  4. Studi Kasus dan Arti Ekonomi pada masing-masing zaman atau sub-zaman
  1. Students understand the history of the earth, the process of its formation and development, aspects of life, and its economic significance in time and space.
  2. Students understand the evolution and dynamics of the earth in space and time.
  3. Students know the implications of knowledge about the history of the earth and the geological (economic) potential contained in the earth in an area.based on geological events that formed and produced it
  4. Students are able to understand historical events and the development of the earth from time to time based on the point of view of geological science, including geological logics used to answer what geological processes cause it as a basis for understanding the concept of "The present is the key to the past". This understanding is also the basis for being able to explain current geological events and predictions of future geological events and is also the basis for developing and carrying out methodologies that are in accordance with geological logic and geology. systematic in conducting studies in the field of geology
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa memahami tentang sejarah bumi, proses pembentukan dan perkembangannya, aspek kehidupan, dan arti ke-ekonomiannya dalam ruang dan waktu.
  2. Mahasiswa memahami evolusi dan dinamika bumi dalam ruang dan waktu.
  3. Mahasiswa mengetahui implikasi pengetahuan mengenai sejarah bumi dan potensi geologi (ekonomis) yang terkandung di dalam bumi pada suatu daerah.berdasarkan kejadian-kejadian geologi yang membentuk dan menghasilkannya
  4. Mahasiswa mampu memahami kejadian sejarah dan perkembangan bumi dari waktu ke waktu berdasarkan sudut pandang ilmu geologi, termasuk logika2 geologi yg digunakan utk menjawab proses2 geologi apa saja yang menyebabkannya sebagai dasar pemahaman konsep "The present is the key to the past". Pemahaman ini juga menjadi dasar untuk dapat menerangkan peristiwa2 geologi sekarang dan prediksi peristiwa geologi di masa depan dan juga menjadi dasar untuk mengembangkan dan melakukan metodologi yang sesuai dengan logika geologis dan sistematis dalam melakukan kajian di bidang geologi.
  5. Berdasarkan pemahaman tentang kejadian-kejadian geologi masa lalu berdasarkan bukti-bukti yang ditemukan sekarang dalam konteks Geologi Sejarah, lulusan diharapkan akan mampu mengumpulkan, menganalisis dan menafsirkan data keilmuan dan keteknikan di bidang geologi.
  1. Students understand the history of the earth, the process of its formation and development, aspects of life, and its economic significance in time and space.
  2. Students understand the evolution and dynamics of the earth in space and time.
  3. Students know the implications of knowledge about the history of the earth and the geological (economic) potential contained in the earth in an area.based on geological events that formed and produced it
  4. Students are able to understand historical events and the development of the earth from time to time based on the point of view of geological science, including geological logics used to answer what geological processes cause it as a basis for understanding the concept of "The present is the key to the past". This understanding is also the basis for being able to explain current geological events and predictions of future geological events and is also the basis for developing and carrying out methodologies that are in accordance with geological logic and geology. systematic in conducting studies in the field of geology.
  5. Based on an understanding of past geological events based on evidence found today in the context of Historical Geology, graduates are expected to be able to collect, analyze and interpret scientific and engineering data in the field of geology.
Metode PembelajaranKBL :Knowledge Based Leaning Problem based learning (PBL)KBL :Knowledge Based Leaning Problem based learning (PBL)
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring Daring Sinkron AsinkronOffline Online Synchronous Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianPilihan Laporan UraianOptions Report Description
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