Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - Mampu merumuskan potensi bahan alam sebagai alternatif pengobatan suatu penyakit atau kondisi patologis pada sistem kardiovaskular, endokrin, saraf, lokomotorius, imun, dan pencernaan serta sebagai alternatif zat antimikroba, sitotoksik, atau antikanker.
- Mampu memproyeksikan posisi obat bahan alam dalam pengobatan suatu penyakit atau kondisi patologis pada sistem kardiovaskular, endokrin, saraf, lokomotorius, imun, dan pencernaan serta sebagai alternatif zat antimikroba, sitotoksik, atau antikanker.
- Mampu menyusun informasi mengenai penggunaan obat alam untuk penanganan disfungsi sistem organ dan kondisi patologis pada sistem kardiovaskular, endokrin, saraf, lokomotorius, imun, dan pencernaan serta sebagai alternatif zat antimikroba, sitotoksik, atau antikanker dalam bentuk presentasi dan makalah
| - Able to formulate the potential of natural ingredients as an alternative treatment for a disease or pathological condition in the cardiovascular, endocrine, neurological, locomotor, immune, and digestive systems as well as as an alternative to antimicrobial, cytotoxic, or anticancer substances.
- Able to project the position of natural drugs in the treatment of a disease or pathological condition in the cardiovascular, endocrine, neurological, locomotor, immune, and digestive systems as well as alternatives to antimicrobial, cytotoxic, or anticancer substances.
- Able to compile information on the use of natural remedies for the treatment of organ system dysfunction and pathological conditions in the cardiovascular, endocrine, neurological, locomotor, immune, and digestive systems as well as alternatives to antimicrobial, cytotoxic, or anticancer substances in the form of presentations and papers