Kode Mata KuliahKO5089 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara217 - Sport Science / SF
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahKomposisi Tubuh dan Managemen Berat BadanBody Composition and Weight Management
Bahan Kajian
  1. Konsep Sehat dan manajemen berat badan
  2. Antropometri dan komposisi tubuh
  3. Resiko Kesehatan kelebihan dan kekurangan lemak
  4. Peran olahraga dalam manajemen berat badan
  5. Faktor penyebab obesitas
  1. Healthy Concepts and Weight Management
  2. Anthropometrics and Body Composition
  3. Health Risks of Excess and Underweight
  4. The Role of Exercise in Weight Management
  5. Causative Factors of Obesity
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Membuaat tes pengukuran antropometri dan komposisi tubuh
  2. Menganalisa fisiologi tubuh manusia, nutrisi dan Olahraga Rekreasi sehingga mendapatkan pola untuk mengatur komposisi tubuh dan berat badan
  3. Menganalisa faktor- faktor penyebab obesitas
  1. Students are able to perform anthropometric and body composition measurement tests
  2. Students are able to think creatively to apply knowledge of human body physiology, nutrition and recreational sports to obtain patterns for regulating body composition and weight
  3. Students are able to diagnose factors that cause obesity
Metode PembelajaranCeramah, Diskusi, Persentasi, Tanya JawabLecturer, discussion, demonstration
Modalitas PembelajaranSinkronus dan AsinkronusSynchronous, Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianPresentasi, UTS dan UASAssignments, Mid Exams, and Final Exams
Catatan Tambahan