Kode Mata KuliahFI2121 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara102 - Fisika / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPengantar Fisika MaterialIntroduction to Physics of Material
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pendahuluan: peranan material dalam menunjang teknologi maju
  2. Pilar-pilar pendukung riset fisika material
  3. Jenis material berdasarkan energi ikat dan struktur kristal (order, disorder & amorphous)
  4. Material berdimensi rendah dan kuasikristal
  5. Material lunak, material hybrid dan komposit
  6. Material fungsional dan material kuantum
  7. Pembentukan material: aspek termodinamika dan diagram fase
  8. Sifat elastik material, dislokasi, deformasi potensi aplikasinya
  9. Sifat listrik dan potensi aplikasinya
  10. Sifat termal dan potensi aplikasinya
  11. Sifat optik dan potensi aplikasinya
  12. Sifat magnetik dan potensi aplikasinya
  13. Sifat resonansi magnetik dan potensi aplikasinya
  14. Sifat superkonduktivitas dan potensi aplikasinya
  1. Introduction: the role of materials in supporting advanced technology
  2. Supporting pillars of materials physics research
  3. Types of materials based on binding energy and crystal structure (order, disorder & amorphous)
  4. Low-dimensional and quasicrystalline materials
  5. Soft materials, hybrid and composite materials
  6. Functional materials and quantum materials
  7. Formation of materials: thermodynamic aspects and phase diagrams
  8. Elastic properties of materials, dislocations, deformations potential applications
  9. Electrical properties and potential applications
  10. Thermal properties and potential applications
  11. Optical properties and potential applications
  12. Magnetic properties and potential applications
  13. Properties of magnetic resonance and its potential applications
  14. Superconductivity properties and potential applications
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu memahami peran material dalam pengembangan teknologi maju dan kekinian
  2. Mampu memahami penyusun materi
  3. Mampu memahami bagaimana pembentukan material
  4. Mampu memahami prinisp kerja/mekanisme sifat fisis sederhana
  5. Mampu menggunakan perumusan sederhana untuk mengoptimasi suatu besaran fisis
  1. Able to understand the role of materials in the development of advanced and contemporary technology
  2. Able to understand the composition of the material
  3. Able to understand how materials are formed
  4. Able to understand the working principles/mechanisms of simple physical properties
  5. Able to use simple formulations to optimize a physical quantity
Metode PembelajaranMetode Pembelajaran Ceramah, Pembelajaran berbasis aplikasi material dalam kehidupan sehari-hariLecture Learning Method, Learning based on the application of materials in everyday life
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring Sinkron, Bauran/Daring AsinkronSynchronous Offline, Asynchronous Mixed/Online
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUjian Tengah Semester, Ujian Akhir Semester, TugasMidterm Exam, Final Semester Exam, Assignments
Catatan TambahanMKPB