Kode Mata KuliahAR6131 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara252 - Arsitektur / SAPPK
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahArsitektur Kontemporer Indonesia dan DuniaContemporary Architecture and The World
Bahan Kajian
  1. BK 1.2 Sejarah dan Budaya Arsitektur Dunia: keragaman sejarah dan budaya arsitektur dunia.
  1. BK 1.2 World Architectural History and Culture: the diversity of world architectural history and culture.
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan implikasi etis, estetis, dan teknologi dari arsitektur “kontemporer”.
  2. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskanya konsep, prinsip, latar sejarah dari preseden arsitektur kontemporer di dunia.
  3. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskanya konsep, prinsip, latar sejarah dari preseden arsitektur kontemporer di Indonesia.
  4. Mahasiswa mampu melakukan eksplorasi lanjut terhadap setiap gejala arsitektur terkini lewat diskusi dan presentasi.
  1. Students are able to explain the ethical, aesthetic, and technological implications of "contemporary" architecture.
  2. Students are able to explain the concepts, principles, and historical background of precedents in contemporary architecture worldwide.
  3. Students are able to explain the concepts, principles, and historical background of precedents in contemporary architecture in Indonesia.
  4. Students are able to further explore each phenomenon of contemporary architecture through discussions and presentations.
Metode PembelajaranKuliah Tatap Muka Pembelajaran KolaboratifFace-to-face Lecture Collaborative Learning
Modalitas PembelajaranDaring/Bauran/Luring Sinkron/Asinkron Mandiri/KelompokOnline/Synchronous/In-person Synchronous/Asynchronous Individual/Group
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUjian Tengah Semester (UTS) - Tugas Kelompok (Draft) Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) - Tugas Kelompok (Final)Midterm Exam - Group Assignment (Draft) Final Exam - Group Assignment (Final)
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