Kode Mata KuliahTK3122 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara130 - Teknik Kimia / FTI
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPerancangan dan Analisis BioreaktorBioreactor Design and Analysis
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pengenalan bioreaktor
  2. Analisis unjuk kerja reaksi enzimatik dalam bioreaktor
  3. Analisis unjuk kerja reaksi mikrobial dalam bioreaktor
  4. Analisis neraca massa dan energi sistem fermentor
  5. Imobilisasi biokatalis
  1. Introduction to bioreactors
  2. Performance analysis of enzymatic reactions in bioreactors
  3. Performance analysis of microbial reactions in bioreactors
  4. Mass and energy balance analysis of fermenter system
  5. Biocatalyst immobilization
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu menghitung kinetika reaksi enzimatik baik dalam kondisi tersuspensi, terinhibisi, maupun terimobilisasi.
  2. Mampu menghitung kinetika pertumbuhan sel baik dalam kondisi tersuspensi, terinhibisi, maupun terimobilisasi.
  3. Mampu menganalisis kinerja dan perancangan berbagai jenis reaktor ideal beserta variasinya, dengan penggunaan katalis enzim atau sel, serta mempertimbangkan baik aspek perpindahan maupun aspek reaksi, yang diperlukan dalam suatu reaksi bioproses.
  4. Mampu menggunakan neraca massa makro, bioenergetika dan stoikiometri pertumbuhan mikrobial dalam perancangan bioreaktor.
  1. Able to calculate the kinetics of enzymatic reactions either in suspended, inhibited, or immobilized conditions.
  2. Able to calculate cell growth kinetics both in suspended, inhibited, and immobilized conditions.
  3. Able to analyze the performance and design of various types of ideal reactors and their variations, with the use of enzyme or cell catalysts, and consider both the transfer and reaction aspects, which are needed in a bioprocess reaction.
  4. Able to use macro mass balance, bioenergetics and microbial growth stoichiometry in bioreactor design.
Metode PembelajaranCeramah, Studi kasusLectures, Case studies
Modalitas PembelajaranLuringOffline
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUjian, Tugas/PRExams, Assignments/homeworks
Catatan Tambahan