Kode Mata KuliahTK4001 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara130 - Teknik Kimia / FTI
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPengantar Rekayasa KeramikIntroduction to Ceramic Engineering
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pengertian bahan keramik
  2. Hubungan struktur dengan sifat-sifat fisik keramik
  3. Perekayasaan struktur keramik
  4. Hubungan struktur dengan sifat-sifat fisik gelas
  5. Perekayasaan struktur gelas
  6. Potensi dan produksi bahan-bahan baku keramik
  7. Simulasi termokimia sistem keramik
  1. Definition of ceramic materials
  2. Relationship between structure and physical properties of ceramics
  3. Ceramic structure engineering
  4. Relationship between structure and physical properties of glass
  5. Glass structure engineering
  6. Potential and production of ceramic materials
  7. Thermochemical simulation of ceramic systems
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu memaparkan pengertian, klasifikasi, contoh-contoh penerapan bahan keramik di industri, serta memperbandingkan sifat-sifat fisiknya dengan bahan-bahan konstruksi lain.
  2. Mampu memaparkan struktur atomik, struktur kristal, & mikrostruktur beberapa golongan keramik yang banyak digunakan, serta hubungan struktur dengan sifat-sifat fisik golongan keramik tersebut.
  3. Mampu menganalisis perekayasaan struktur keramik dengan menggunakan diagram fasa termodinamika secara manual maupun dengan bantuan komputer, serta memaparkan alur umum pemrosesan keramik.
  4. Mampu memaparkan struktur & sifat-sifat fisik beberapa jenis bahan gelas yang penting secara industrial.
  5. Mampu memaparkan unit-unit pemrosesan gelas & mekanisme perekayasaan struktur gelas melalui perlakuan panas.
  6. Mampu memaparkan sebaran bahan-bahan baku keramik di Indonesia & proses eksploitasi & benefisiasi bahan-bahan baku tersebut.
  7. Menggunakan paket perangkat lunak simulasi proses modern untuk menjalankan proses teknik kimia
  1. Able to explain the meaning, classification, examples of the application of ceramic materials in industry, and compare their physical properties with other construction materials.
  2. Able to explain the atomic structure, crystal structure, & microstructure of several widely used ceramic groups, as well as the relationship between structure and physical properties of these ceramic groups.
  3. Able to analyze the engineering of ceramic structures using thermodynamic phase diagrams manually or with the help of computers, and explain the general flow of ceramic processing.
  4. Able to explain the structure & physical properties of several types of industrially important glass materials.
  5. Able to explain glass processing units & mechanism of engineering glass structure through heat treatment.
  6. Able to explain the distribution of ceramic raw materials in Indonesia & the process of exploitation & beneficiation of these raw materials.
  7. Using modern process simulation software packages to run chemical engineering processes
Metode PembelajaranCeramah klasikal, diskusi kelasLectures, class discussion
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring, daring asinkronik (sebatas untuk penguatan melalui proses pengulangan pembelajaran secara mandiri)Offline, online asynchronous (limited to reinforcement through the process of repeating learning independently)
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUjian, tugas makalah kelompokExam, group paper assignment
Catatan Tambahan