Kode Mata KuliahSB5032 / 4 SKS
Penyelenggara224 - Sains Kebumian / FITB
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPaleo Klimatologi-OseanografiPaleo-Climatology-Oceanography
Bahan Kajian
  1. Proksi dalam paleoseanografi dan paleoklimatologi/ Proxies in paleoceanography and paleoclimatology
  2. Permulaan glasiasi Kenozoikum/ Onset of Cenozoic glaciation
  3. Glasiasi: bukti dari catatan ilmiah lautan/ Glaciation: evidence from marine records
  4. Glasiasi: pendorong dan dampak/ Glaciation: drivers and impacts
  5. Dinamika lapisan es pada periode Neogene/ Dinamics of Neogene ice sheets
  6. West Antarctica Ice Sheet {WAIS)
  7. Orbital forcing terhadap perubahan iklim/ Orbital forcing of climate change
  8. Variabilitas iklim skala milenial/ Millennial-scale climate variability
  9. Mekanisme internal terhadap perubahan iklim/ Internal modes of climate change
  10. Transisi glasial-interglasial/ Glacial-interglacial transitions
  11. Catatan geologi kenaikan permukaan laut/ Geological record of sea-level rise
  12. Faktor pendorong iklim Holosen/ Holocene climate drivers
  1. Proxies in paleoceanography and paleoclimatology
  2. Onset of Cenozoic glaciation
  3. Glaciation: evidence from marine records
  4. Glaciation: drivers and impacts
  5. Dynamics of ice sheets in the Neogene period/ Dinamics of Neogene ice sheets
  6. West Antarctica Ice Sheet {WAIS)
  7. Orbital forcing of climate change
  8. Millennial-scale climate variability
  9. Internal mechanisms of climate change/ Internal modes of climate change
  10. Glacial-interglacial transitions
  11. Geological record of sea level rise
  12. Holocene climate drivers
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu menganalisis secara komprehensif tentang penyebab utama dan mendasar dari perubahan iklim dan oseanografi dalam rentang waktu mulai dari dekade hingga jutaan tahun.
  2. Mampu menganalisis secara komprehensif tentang bagaimana berbagai komponen sistem bumi berinteraksi satu sama lain untuk mempengaruhi perubahan iklim dan oseanografi di masa lampau.
  3. Mampu menganalisis teknik umum dan pendekatan yang digunakan untuk merekonstruksi perubahan iklim dan oseanografi di masa lampau (rekonstruksi proksi dan pemodelan numerik).
  4. Mahir dalam menafsirkan perubahan lingkungan/iklim/oseanografi di masa lampau dari catatan ilmiah (sedimen laut dan terumbu karang) dan pemahaman tentang dasar di balik proksi fisik dan kimia.
  1. Able to comprehensively analyze the main and fundamental causes of climate change and oceanography in a time span ranging from decades to millions of years.
  2. Able to comprehensively analyze how the various components of the earth system interact with each other to influence climate change and oceanography in the past.
  3. Able to analyze common techniques and approaches used to reconstruct climate change and oceanography in the past (proxy reconstruction and numerical modeling).
  4. Proficient in interpreting past environmental/climate/oceanographic changes from the scientific record (marine sediments and coral reefs) and an understanding of the basics behind physical and chemical proxies.
Metode PembelajaranKnowledge Based Leaning, Skill Based Learning, Problem based learning (PBL), Case-based Learning (CBL)Knowledge Based Leaning, Skill Based Learning, Problem based learning (PBL), Case-based Learning (CBL)
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring, Sinkron, AsinkronOffline, Synchronous, Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUraian, Presentasi, Esai, Praktik, LaporanDescription, Presentation, Essay, Practice, Report
Catatan TambahanJika sangat banyak hari libur nasional, dimungkinkan kuliah daringOnline classes are feasible if there are many public holidays