Kode Mata KuliahMG6072 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara225 - Teknik Metalurgi / FTTM
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahStudi Mandiri Bioproses MetalurgiIndependent Study of Metallurgy Bioprocess
Bahan Kajian
  1. Studi Mandiri Prinsip, konsep dan aplikasi bioproses metalurgi 
  2. Studi Mandiri Mikroorganisma/mikroba yang berperan dalam bioproses metalurgi dan metabolismenya 
  3. Studi Mandiri Bioleaching mineral oksida dan silikat/karbonat serta selektivitas dalam bioleaching 
  4. Studi Mandiri Bioflotasi 
  5. Studi Mandiri Bioflokulasi/biokoagulasi 
  6. Studi Mandiri Biosorpsi 
  7. Studi Mandiri Metode-metode analisis dalam bioproses metalurgi 
  8. Studi Mandiri Pertumbuhan mikroba dan kinetika bioproses metalurgi 
  9. Studi Mandiri Studi kasus pada Artikel Jurnal Ilmiah 
  1. Independent Study of Principles, Concepts, and Applications of Bio-Metallurgical Processes
  2. Independent Study of Microorganisms/Microbes Involved in Bio-Metallurgical Processes and Their Metabolism
  3. Independent Study of Bioleaching of Oxide and Silicate/Carbonate Minerals and Selectivity in Bioleaching
  4. Independent Study of Bioflotation
  5. Independent Study of Bioflocculation/Biocoagulation
  6. Independent Study of Biosorption
  7. Independent Study of Analytical Methods in Bio-Metallurgical Processes
  8. Independent Study of Microbial Growth and Bio-Metallurgical Process Kinetics
  9. Independent Study of Case Studies in Scientific Journal Articles
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Pengetahuan (knowledge) dan pemahaman konsep bioproses metalurgi dan aplikasinya yang sangat bermanfaat dalam menciptakan proses mineral and metal yang ramah lingkungan dan ekonomis. 
  2. Pengetahuan, pemahaman dan praktek penanganan mikroba untuk bioproses metalurgi
  1. Knowledge and understanding of metallurgical bioprocessing concepts and their applications that are very useful in creating environmentally friendly and economical mineral and metal processes.
  2. Knowledge, understanding and practice of microbial handling for metallurgical bioprocessing.
Metode PembelajaranStudi MandiriIndependent Study
Modalitas PembelajaranStudi MandiriIndependent Study
Jenis NilaiPass/Fail
Metode PenilaianTugas (Pass/Fail)Assignment (Pass/Fail)
Catatan Tambahan