Kode Mata KuliahAS3204 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara103 - Astronomy / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahAstronomi Komputasi LanjutAdvanced Computational Astronomy
Bahan Kajian
  1. Review singkat bahasa pemrograman dan simulasi komputasi
  2. Set persamaan baku dalam astrofisika: persamaan kekekalan, persamaan fenomena fisis akibat dari keberadaan fungsi sumber dan gaya eksternal, persamaan keadaan
  3. Beberapa set persamaan baku yang melibatkan hidrodinamika, radiasi, dan magnet
  4. Berbagai alternatif metode numerik: berbasis grid, bebas grid, spektral, Monte Carlo (random sampling)
  1. A brief review of programming languages ​​and computational simulation
  2. Set of standard equations in astrophysics: conservation equations, equations of physical phenomena resulting from the presence of source functions and external forces, equations of state
  3. Several sets of standard equations involving hydrodynamics, radiation, and magnetism
  4. Various alternative numerical methods: grid-based, grid-free, spectral, Monte Carlo (random sampling)
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan menulis dan membaca kode program serta memenuhi standar umum tata kerja simulasi komputasi
  2. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan secara komprehensif set persamaan baku dalam astrofisika: persamaan kekekalan, persamaan fenomena fisis akibat dari keberadaan fungsi sumber dan gaya eksternal, persamaan keadaan
  3. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan secara komprehensif beberapa set persamaan baku yang melibatkan hidrodinamika, radiasi, dan magnet: Euler atau Lagrangian untuk hidrodinamika, Navier-Stokes, hantaran radiasi, magnetohidrodinamika, struktur-dalam bintang, hidrodinamika radiasi
  4. Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasikan berbagai alternatif metode numerik dalam bentuk kode komputer yang disusun dari nol atau dari sumber terbuka: finite difference, finite volume, diskontinu Galerkin, N-benda, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH, bebas-grid), spektral, Monte-Carlo (random sampling)
  1. Students have the ability to write and read program code and meet general standards for computational simulation work procedures.
  2. Students are able to comprehensively explain the standard set of equations in astrophysics: conservation equations, equations of physical phenomena resulting from the existence of source functions and external forces, equations of stateStudents are able to comprehensively explain the standard set of equations in astrophysics: conservation equations, equations of physical phenomena resulting from the existence of source functions and external forces, equations of state
  3. Students are able to comprehensively explain several sets of standard equations involving hydrodynamics, radiation, and magnetism: Euler or Lagrangian for hydrodynamics, Navier-Stokes, radiation conduction, magnetohydrodynamics, internal structure of stars, radiation hydrodynamics
  4. Students are able to implement various alternative numerical methods in the form of computer code compiled from scratch or from open sources: finite difference, finite volume, discontinuous Galerkin, N-body, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH, grid-free), spectral, Monte-Carlo ( random sampling)
Metode PembelajaranCeramah, praktikumLectures, practicum
Modalitas PembelajaranSinkron dan/atau asinkronSynchronous and/or asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianProyek simulasi individual, Proyek simulasi kelompok, UASIndividual simulation projects, group simulation projects, Final-semester exam
Catatan Tambahan