Kode Mata KuliahAS3108 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara103 - Astronomi / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahSistem KalenderCalendar System
Bahan Kajian
  1. Sejarah beberapa sistem kalender dan relasinya dengan aspek kehidupan masyarakat
  2. Relasi unit-unit penanggalan dengan fenomena astronomi; Gerak semu dan sejati Bulan, bintang, Matahari; Solar day, sidereal day, dan unit lain yang berkaitan dengan keduanya; Aturan-aturan umum kalender; Dua referensi fundamental fenomena astronomi untuk penanggalan; Siklus-siklus orbital (periode) lain untuk Bulan; Prinsip harmonik dua atau lebih besaran siklik; Tahun tropis dan struktur dasar kalender surya; Periode sinodis Bulan dan struktur dasar kalender rembulan; Siklus Meton dan struktur dasar kalender lunisolar; Julian day, prinsip-prinsip dan contoh soal konversi kalender; Gerhana Bulan, gerhana Matahari, dan siklus Saros
  3. Contoh-contoh kalender surya, kalender rembulan, dan kalender lunisolar
  1. History of several calendar systems and their relationship to aspects of social life
  2. Relation of calendar units to astronomical phenomena; Apparent and true motion of the Moon, stars, Sun; Solar day, sidereal day, and other units related to both; General calendar rules; Two fundamental references to astronomical phenomena for dating; Other orbital cycles (periods) for the Moon; Harmonic principle of two or more cyclic quantities; The tropical year and the basic structure of the solar calendar; The synodic period of the Moon and the basic structure of the lunar calendar; Meton Cycle and basic structure of the lunisolar calendar; Julian day, principles and examples of calendar conversion questions; Lunar eclipses, solar eclipses and the Saros cycle
  3. Examples of solar calendar, lunar calendar, and lunisolar calendar
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan secara komprehensif struktur suatu sistem kalender surya, rembulan, dan lunisolar
  2. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan secara komprehensif konsep-konsep: rotasi dan revolusi Bumi, waktu rerata matahari (mean solar time), waktu sideris (sidereal time), tahun tropis dan sideris
  3. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan secara komprehensif implikasi gerak Bulan di orbitnya: fase, periode sinodis dan sideris untuk Bulan, serta perbandingan hal-hal tersebut dengan beberapa planet
  4. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan secara komprehensif konsep dasar siklus Meton berdasarkan prinsip harmonik dua besaran siklik
  5. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan secara komprehensif konsep dasar gerhana dan siklus Saros (berdasarkan prinsip harmonik dua atau lebih besaran siklik)
  6. Mahasiswa mampu melakukan perhitungan tanggal Julian, konversi kalender, hari libur nasional dan keagamaan di Indonesia, dan saat terjadinya beberapa fenomena astronomi
  7. Mahasiswa mampu melakukan eksplorasi sembarang sistem kalender surya dan menjelaskannya dalam presentasi
  8. Mahasiswa mampu melakukan eksplorasi sembarang sistem kalender rembulan dan menjelaskannya dalam presentasi (termasuk aspek visibilitas sabit Bulan)
  9. Mahasiswa mampu melakukan eksplorasi sembarang sistem kalender lunisolar dan menjelaskannya dalam presentasi
  1. Students are able to comprehensively explain the structure of a solar, lunar and lunisolar calendar system
  2. Students are able to comprehensively explain the concepts: rotation and revolution of the Earth, mean solar time, sidereal time, tropical and sidereal years
  3. Students are able to comprehensively explain the implications of the Moon's motion in its orbit: phases, synodic and sidereal periods for the Moon, as well as comparisons of these with several planets
  4. Students are able to comprehensively explain the basic concepts of the Meton cycle based on the harmonic principle of two cyclic quantities
  5. Students are able to comprehensively explain the basic concepts of eclipses and the Saros cycle (based on the harmonic principle of two or more cyclic quantities)
  6. Students are able to calculate Julian dates, calendar conversions, national and religious holidays in Indonesia, as well as astronomical phenomena occurrences.
  7. Students are able to explore any solar calendar system and explain it in a presentation
  8. Students are able to explore any lunar calendar system and explain it in a presentation (including aspects of the visibility of the lunar crescent)
  9. Students are able to explore any lunisolar calendar system and explain it in a presentation
Metode PembelajaranCeramah, DiskusiLectures, Discussions
Modalitas PembelajaranSinkron dan/atau asinkronSynchronous and/or asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianKuis, Tugas, Presentasi makalah (individual/kelompok), UTS, UASQuizzes, Assignments, Paper presentations (individual/group), Mid-semester Exam, Final-semester Exam
Catatan Tambahan