Kode Mata KuliahAS3104 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara103 - Astronomy / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahFisika BintangStellar Physics
Bahan Kajian
  1. Hasil-hasil observasi yang memotivasi berkembangnya studi struktur dan evolusi bintang.
  2. Atmosfer bintang: proses-proses fisis yang terlibat dan prinsip pemodelannya; contoh solusi model; kaitan antara atmosfer bintang dengan struktur bintang.
  3. Persamaan struktur bintang dan proses-proses fisis yang terlibat (persamaan keadaan gas, pembangkitan energi, transfer energi).
  4. Contoh solusi (sederhana) struktur bintang: model politrop dan prediksinya (degenerasi elektron, massa Chandresekhar), dan model lain.
  5. Pengantar kepada prinsip komputasi struktur dan evolusi bintang tunggal: pembentukan, evolusi bintang tunggal, dan akhir hidup bintang.
  6. Pengantar (naratif) kepada evolusi bintang ganda berinteraksi.
  1. The results of observations that motivated the development of the study of the structure and evolution of stars.
  2. Star atmosphere: the physical processes involved and the principles of its modeling; examples of model solutions; the relationship between star atmosphere and star structure.
  3. The star structure equation and the physics processes involved (gas state equation, energy generation, energy transfer)
  4. Examples of (simple) star structure solutions: politrop models and their predictions (electron degeneration, Chandresekhar masses), and other models.
  5. Introduction to the computational principles of single star structure and evolution: formation, single star evolution, and the end of star life.
  6. An introduction (narrative) to the evolution of interacting binary stars.
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu menjelaskan hasil-hasil observasi yang memotivasi berkembangnya studi struktur dan evolusi bintang.
  2. Mampu menjelaskan proses-proses fisis yang terlibat dalam atmosfer bintang dan prinsip pemodelannya; menunjukkan contoh solusi model; menjelaskan kaitan antara atmosfer bintang dengan struktur bintang.
  3. Mampu menjelaskan penurunan persamaan struktur bintang dan mengaitkannya dengan proses-proses fisis yang terlibat (persamaan keadaan gas, pembangkitan energi, transfer energi).
  4. Mampu menjelaskan contoh solusi (sederhana) struktur bintang: model politrop dan prediksinya (degenerasi elektron, massa Chandresekhar), dan model lain.
  5. Mampu menjelaskan evolusi bintang tunggal: pembentukan, evolusi bintang tunggal, dan akhir hidup bintang.
  6. Mampu menjelaskan (secara naratif) garis besar evolusi bintang ganda dekat.
  1. Able to explain the results of observations that motivate the advanced study of the structure and evolution of stars.
  2. Able to explain the physics processes involved in the star's atmosphere and the principles of its modeling; showing examples of model solutions; explaining the relationship between star atmospheres and star structures.
  3. Able to explain the decrease in star structure equations and associate them with the physics processes involved: gas equations, energy generation, energy transfer.
  4. Able to explain examples of (simple) solutions to star structures: polytropic models and their predictions (electron degeneration, Chandrasekhar masses), and other models.
  5. Able to explain the evolution of a single star: formation, evolution, and the end of a star's life.
  6. Able to explain (narratively) the line of evolution of a close binary star.
Metode PembelajaranKombinasi antara ceramah, diskusi, dan tugas membacalectures, discussions, and reading tasks
Modalitas PembelajaranSinkronsynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianKuis, tugas, UTS, UASQuiz, Task. Mid-Semester Exam, Final Semester Exam
Catatan Tambahan