Kode Mata KuliahKI2164 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara105 - Kimia / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahBiokimia UmumGeneral Biochemistry
Bahan Kajian
  1. Sifat Reaksi dalam pelarut air
  2. Struktur asam amino dan protein
  3. Struktur dan Kinetika enzim
  4. Struktur karbohidrat
  5. Struktur asam nukleat
  6. Struktur lipid
  7. Bioenergetika dan Pengantar Metabolisme
  8. Glikolisis dan Glukoneogenesis
  9. Siklus Asam Sitrat
  10. Transpor elektron dan fosforilasi oksidatif
  11. Fotosintesis
  1. Reaction Properties in water solvents
  2. Structure of amino acids and proteins
  3. Structure and Kinetics of enzymes
  4. Carbohydrate structure
  5. Nucleic acid structure
  6. Lipid structure
  7. Bioenergetics and Introduction to Metabolism
  8. Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis
  9. Citric Acid Cycle
  10. Electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation
  11. Photosynthesis
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu menjelaskan sifat reaksi dalam pelarut air, interaksi antar molekul dalam lingkungan air serta menguasi konsep sistem bufer
  2. Mampu memahami struktur dan sifat asam amino berdasarkan rantai sampingnya dan mampu menentukan muatan asam amino (atau peptida sederhana) pada pH tertentu
  3. Mampu memahami proses pelipatan struktur primer protein membentuk struktur dengan hierarki yang lebih tinggi
  4. Mampu membedakan klasifikasi enzim sesuai dengan reaksi yang dikatalisisnya
  5. Mampu memahami dan mengevaluasi data kinetika enzim dan memahami makna fisik data tersebut dalam aplikasi
  6. Mampu memahami fungsi dan struktur karbohidrat sederhana, disakarida sederhana, dan polisakarida yang umum ditemui
  7. Mampu memahami dan mengerti struktur dan konfigurasi nukleotida (gula, basa nitrogen, dan fosfat) dan asam nukleat
  8. Mampu memahami dan mengerti struktur, sifat kimia lipid serta fungsi lipid sebagai pembentuk membran
  9. Mampu memahami dan mengerti proses kimia serta konsep energetika yang terjadi di dalam sel
  10. Mampu memahami proses katabolisme dan anabolisme karbohidrat, jalur-jalur reaksi degradasi kimia dan jalur-jalur reaksi penyelamat untuk mempertahankan metabolisme
  11. Mampu memahami dan mengerti pabrik penghasil energi dalam makhluk hidup
  12. Mampu memahami struktur kloroplas dan konsep fotosistem (II dan I) dalam proses transfer elektron dengan bantuan cahaya dan keterkaitannya dengan sintesis ATP
  13. Mampu memahami tahapan siklus Calvin, tahap fiksasi karbondioksida dan oksigen oleh rubisco, tahap regenerasi ribulosa-5-fosfat dari gula C6 beserta enzim yang terlibat
  1. Able to explain the nature of reactions in water solvents, interactions between molecules in a water environment and master the concept of buffer systems
  2. Able to understand the structure and properties of amino acids based on their side chains and able to determine the charge of amino acids (or simple peptides) at a certain pH
  3. Able to understand the folding process of the primary structure of proteins to form structures with a higher hierarchy
  4. Be able to differentiate the classification of enzymes according to the reactions they catalyze
  5. Able to understand and evaluate enzyme kinetics data and understand the physical meaning of the data in applications
  6. Able to understand the function and structure of simple carbohydrates, simple disaccharides and commonly encountered polysaccharides
  7. Able to understand and understand the structure and configuration of nucleotides (sugars, nitrogen bases, and phosphates) and nucleic acids
  8. Able to understand and understand the structure, chemical properties of lipids and the function of lipids as membrane builders
  9. Able to understand and comprehend chemical processes and energetic concepts that occur in cells
  10. Able to understand the processes of carbohydrate catabolism and anabolism, chemical degradation reaction pathways and rescue reaction pathways to maintain metabolism
  11. Able to understand and understand the energy-producing factories in living things
  12. Able to understand the structure of chloroplasts and the concept of photosystems (II and I) in the process of electron transfer with the help of light and its relationship with ATP synthesis
  13. Able to understand the stages of the Calvin cycle, the carbon dioxide and oxygen fixation stage by rubisco, the regeneration stage of ribulose-5-phosphate from C6 sugar and the enzymes involved
Metode PembelajaranCeramah, diskusiLectures, discussions
Modalitas PembelajaranVisual, kinestetik, sinkronousVisual, kinesthetic, synchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUjian dan tugasExams and assignments
Catatan Tambahan