Kode Mata KuliahKI2261 / 2 SKS
Penyelenggara105 - Kimia / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahDasar-dasar Kimia HayatiBasics of Biological Chemistry
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pengantar: The chemistry of life, Ekologi
  2. Sel: tipe, jenis dan siklus hidup
  3. Genetik: Pengantar Informasi genetika
  4. Evolusi: The evolutionary history of Biological Diversity
  5. Komponen kimia sel, energi dan keteraturan biologi
  6. Struktur-bentuk dan informasi makromolekul: struktur dan fungsi asam nukleat, struktur protein, protein sebagai biokatalis.
  7. Teknik-teknik analisis sel: struktur sel dalam mikroskop, pemisahan & isolasi sel dari campurannya, fraksinasi dan analisis organel sel.
  8. Sel dalam bioteknologi modern
  1. Introduction: The chemistry of life, Ecology
  2. Cells: types, types and life cycle
  3. Genetics: Introduction to genetic information
  4. Evolution: The evolutionary history of Biological Diversity
  5. Cell chemical components, energy and biological order
  6. Structure-form and information on macromolecules: structure and function of nucleic acids, protein structure, proteins as biocatalysts.
  7. Cell analysis techniques: cell structure in a microscope, separation & isolation of cells from mixtures, fractionation and analysis of cell organelles.
  8. Cells in modern biotechnology
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa dapat memahami batasan lingkup kajian Dasar-dasar Kimia Hayati yang menjembatani kajian ilmu biologi ke kajian kimia di dalam sel (biokimia)
  2. Mahasiswa dapat memahami perbedaan antara organisme, jaringan, organ, dan sel. Mahasiswa dapat mengidentifikasi berbagai tipe & jenis sel.
  3. Mahasiswa mengetahui komponen-komponen kimia sel dan dapat memahami ikatan kimia yang terjadi di dalam molekul penyusun sel.
  4. Mahasiswa dapat memahami cara sel melangsungkan hidupnya, mempertahankan kesetimbangannya dan cara sel melangsungkan reaksi-reaksi-nya. Mahasiswa dapat memahami prinsip-prinsip reaksi kimia yang mendasari reaksi yang terjadi di dalam sel organisme hidup
  5. Mahasiswa memahami dan Mengerti sifat fisik dan kimia air, memahami peranannya sebagai pelarut, dan keterlibatnnya dalam berbagai proses biologis yang melibatkan molekul air.
  6. Mahasiswa mengenal struktur, bentuk dan informasi makromolekul penyusun sel: protein, enzim, karbohidrat, lipid, asam nukleat (material genetik).
  7. Mahasiswa dapat mengetahui bermacam-macam teknik analisis sel (Struktur sel dibawah mikroskop, Isolasi sel dari campurannya, Fraksinasi dan Analisis komponen sel)
  8. Mahasiswa mengenal tentang sel dalam Bioteknologi modern. Mahasiswa dapat mengetahui secara garis besar manipulasi sel dan virus, serta teknik manipulasi makromolekul.
  9. Mahasiswa mengenali bermacam-macam portal basis data hayati: basis data tanaman, hewan, alga, sel, dan biomakromolekul (protein, genom, metabolom, transkriptom).
  10. Mahasiswa mengetahui cara mencari data dan membaca data dari sumber basis data hayati.
  11. Mahasiswa mengenal gambaran tentang trend terkini dari ilmu dan penelitian biokimia yang terkait permasalahan lingkungan hidup, kesehatan, pangan dsb.
  12. Mahasiswa mengenali program untuk mendisain biomolekul kecil (contoh: program avogadro), dan biomakromolekul (contoh: BLAST, SWISS PROT)
  1. Students can understand the scope of the Basics of Biological Chemistry study which bridges the study of biology to the study of chemistry in cells (biochemistry).
  2. Students can understand the differences between organisms, tissues, organs and cells. Students can identify various types & kinds of cells.
  3. Students know the chemical components of cells and can understand the chemical bonds that occur in the molecules that make up cells.
  4. Students can understand how cells live their lives, maintain their equilibrium and how cells carry out their reactions. Students can understand the principles of chemical reactions that underlie the reactions that occur in the cells of living organisms
  5. Students understand and understand the physical and chemical properties of water, understand its role as a solvent, and its involvement in various biological processes involving water molecules.
  6. Students know the structure, shape and information on the macromolecules that make up cells: proteins, enzymes, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids (genetic material).
  7. Students can learn various cell analysis techniques (Cell structure under a microscope, Isolation of cells from mixtures, Fractionation and Analysis of cell components)
  8. Students learn about cells in modern biotechnology. Students can understand in general the manipulation of cells and viruses, as well as techniques for manipulating macromolecules.
  9. Students recognize various biological database portals: plant, animal, algae, cell and biomacromolecule databases (proteins, genomes, metabolomes, transcriptomes).
  10. Students know how to search for data and read data from biological database sources.
  11. Students get an overview of the latest trends in biochemical science and research related to environmental issues, health, food and so on
  12. Students recognize programs for designing small biomolecules (example: Avogadro program), and biomacromolecules (example: BLAST, SWISS PROT)
Metode PembelajaranCeramah Diskusi Kelompok Pembelajaran berbasis masalah/studi kasusLecture Group discussion Problem/case study based learning
Modalitas PembelajaranAudio, visual, Bauran (sinkronous dan Asinkronous)Audio, visual, Mix (synchronous and asynchronous)
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUTS, UAS,TugasMidterm exams, final exams, assignments
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