Kode Mata KuliahKI4162 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara105 - Kimia / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahStruktur dan Rekayasa ProteinStructure and Engineering of Protein
Bahan Kajian
  1. Penentuan Struktur Protein dengan XRD, NMR, CryoEM
  2. Visualisasi Struktur Protein
  3. Analisis Struktur Protein dengan berbagai Basis Data dan Perangkat Lunak
  4. Famili dan Motif Protein
  5. Faktor untuk Pelipatan Protein
  6. Asam Amino untuk Stabilitas, Kelarutan, Aktivitas, dan Fisikokimia lain suatu protein
  7. Teknik Rekayasa Protein berbasis Mutasi Terarah dan Acak
  8. Teknik Rekayasa Protein berbasis Evolusi Terarah
  9. Teknik Rekayasa Protein berbasis Modifikasi Kimia dan Bioortogonalitas
  10. Karakterisasi dalam Rekayasa Protein berbasis LC-MS
  11. Presentasi Kasus Rekayasa Protein Berbasis Struktur
  1. Determination of Protein Structure by XRD, NMR, CryoEM
  2. Protein Structure Visualization
  3. Protein Structure Analysis with various Databases and Software
  4. Protein Families and Motifs
  5. Factors for Protein Folding
  6. Amino Acids for Stability, Solubility, Activity, and other Physicochemistry of a protein
  7. Directed and Random Mutation-based Protein Engineering Techniques
  8. Directed Evolution-based Protein Engineering Techniques
  9. Protein Engineering Techniques based on Chemical Modification and Bioorthogonality
  10. Characterization in LC-MS based Protein Engineering
  11. Case Presentation of Structure-Based Protein Engineering
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa mengenal metode-metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan struktur protein dan visualisasi struktur protein
  2. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan berbagai informasi yang terkandung dalam struktur protein dari basis data PDB
  3. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan bagian-bagian protein yang dapat direkayasa untuk menghasilkan protein dengan fungsi yang diinginkan
  4. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan teknik rekayasa protein berbasis mutasi terarah dan acak
  5. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan teknik rekayasa protein berbasis evolusi terarah
  6. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan teknik rekayasa protein berbasis modifikasi kimia dan bioortogonalitas
  7. Mahasiswa mengenal teknik karakterisasi dalam rekayasa protein berbasis LC-MS
  8. Mahasiswa dapat membuat bahan presentasi ilmiah yang berkualitas
  9. Mahasiswa mampu memformulasikan dan mempresentasikan gagasan ilmiah terkait rekayasa protein
  10. Mahasiswa mampu bekerjasama dalam kelompok dalam studi kasus dan presentasi kelompok terkait rekayasa protein
  11. Mahasiswa memahami prinsip dasar setiap program/perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk menganalisis struktur protein maupun untuk rekayasa protein berbasis struktur
  1. Students become familiar with the methods used to determine protein structure and visualize protein structure
  2. Students are able to explain various information contained in protein structures from the PDB database
  3. Students are able to explain the parts of proteins that can be engineered to produce proteins with the desired function
  4. Students are able to explain protein engineering techniques based on directed and random mutations
  5. Students are able to explain protein engineering techniques based on directed evolution
  6. Students are able to explain protein engineering techniques based on chemical modification and bioorthogonality
  7. Students become familiar with characterization techniques in LC-MS based protein engineering
  8. Students can make quality scientific presentation materials
  9. Students are able to formulate and present scientific ideas related to protein engineering
  10. Students are able to work together in groups on case studies and group presentations related to protein engineering
  11. Students understand the basic principles of each program/software used to analyze protein structures and for structure-based protein engineering
Metode PembelajaranTatap muka (kuliah), tugas, dan presentasiFace to face (lectures), assignments and presentations
Modalitas PembelajaranVisual, auditorial, dan kinestetik. Sinkronous (luring dan daring) dan asinkonous.Visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Synchronous (offline and online) and asynchronous.
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUjian dan tugasExams and assignments
Catatan Tambahan