Kode Mata KuliahKI4131 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara105 - Kimia / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPengantar Sintesis AnorganikIntroduction to Inorganic Synthesis
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pendahuluan material anorganik: paduan logam, senyawa oksida, senyawa kompleks dan organologam, polimer, komposit, dan material nano
  2. Ikatan, struktur kristal dan mikrostruktur, serta morfologi material anorganik
  3. Metode sintesis reaksi fasa padat
  4. Metode mechanical alloying/milling
  5. Metode hidrotermal/solvotermal
  6. Metode sol-gel
  7. Metode sonokimia
  8. Metode iradiasi gelombang mikro
  9. Metode elektrokimia
  10. Teknik sintesis kondisi vakum
  11. Presentasi hasil studi literatur terkini
  1. Introduction to Inorganic Materials: Metal Alloys, Oxide Compounds, Coordination Compounds and Organometallics, Polymers, Composites, and Nanomaterials
  2. Bonding, Crystal Structure, Microstructure, and Morphology of Inorganic Materials
  3. Methods of Solid-State Synthesis
  4. Mechanical Alloying/Milling
  5. Hydrothermal/Solvothermal Methods
  6. Sol-Gel Method
  7. Sonochemistry Method
  8. Microwave Irradiation Method
  9. Electrochemical Method
  10. Vacuum Synthesis Techniques
  11. Presentation of Recent Literature Review Results
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mampu memahami sifat fisik dan sifat kimia material anorganik, yang digunakan dalam strategi sintesis, serta mampu memahani prinsip-prinsip teknik sintesis dan mampu memilih metoda sintesis material anorganik yang tepat.
  2. Mampu menelurusi literatur terkini terkait metoda sintesis material anorganik dan mampu memahami tahapan sintesis material dan hasil karakterisasinya.
  1. Able to understand the physical and chemical properties of inorganic materials, their use in synthesis strategies, and comprehend the principles of synthesis techniques, and select appropriate synthesis methods for inorganic materials.
  2. Able to explore recent literature related to inorganic material synthesis methods and understand the synthesis stages and characterization results.
Metode PembelajaranCeramah Diskusi PresentasiLectures Discussions Presentations
Modalitas PembelajaranLuring Sinkron Daring AsinkronSynchronous Offline Asynchronous Online
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUjian (2x), presentasi dan laporanExams (2x), presentations, and reports
Catatan Tambahan