Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - 1. Mahasiswa memiliki wawasan (pemahaman & penalaran) konsep dasar psikologi, prinsip-prinsip persepsi dan fenomena-fenomena persepsi visual.
- 2. Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan penalarannya tentang konsep, prinsip persepsi dalam membahas suatu topik atau kasus terkait persepsi.
- 3. Mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan analisa data riset empirik yang telah dilakukan peneliti terdahulu, terkait topik bahasan persepsi.
| - 1. Students possess an understanding and reasoning of basic psychology concepts, principles of perception, and visual perception phenomena.
- 2. Students demonstrate their reasoning about concepts and principles of perception in discussing a topic or case related to perception.
- 3 Students have the ability to analyze empirical research data conducted by previous researchers related to the topic of perception.