Kode Mata KuliahSR2103 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara170 - Seni Rupa / FSRD
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahGambar ModelModel Drawing
Bahan Kajian
  1. Pengantar Gambar Model
  2. Teknik Gambar Model dan Medium Charcoal
  3. Gambar Model dan Akademi Seni
  4. Bentuk tubuh Manusia dan Proporsi : Gambar Model
  5. Value dan Bidang Positif-Negatif
  6. Sensitivitas dalam Garis; Tersirat - Tersurat
  7. Komposisi Tematik pada Gambar Model
  8. Ujian Tengah Semester
  9. Potret Diri dan Gambar Model
  10. Potret Diri dan Artefak Budaya
  11. Gambar Model Hidup - Male
  12. Gambar Model Hidup - Female
  13. Gambar Model Hidup - Gestur Pasif
  14. Gambar Model Hidup - Gestur Aktif
  15. Gambar Model Hidup - Kontur dan Gerak
  16. Ujian Akhir Semester
  1. Understanding of Model Drawing
  2. Model Drawing Technique and Charcoal as Medium
  3. Model Drawing and Art Academy
  4. Human Form and Proportion: Model Drawing
  5. Value and Positive - Negative Form
  6. Sensitivity in Line; Implied and Blur
  7. Thematic Composition on Model Drawing
  8. Midterm Examination
  9. Self Portrait and Model Drawing
  10. Self Portrait and Cultural Artifacts
  11. Live Model Drawing-Male
  12. Live Model Drawing-Female
  13. Life Model Drawing - Passive Gestures
  14. Life Model Drawing - Active Gestures
  15. Life Model Drawing - Contour and Movement
  16. Final Examination
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan pengetahuan dasar gambar model manusia melalui penggunaan medium dan teknik yang tepat.
  2. Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan pengetahuan gambar model manusia dalam berbagai pose sebagai acuan kerangka berfikir dalam mengembangkan bentuk ekspresi karya seni rupa sesuai bidang terkait.
  3. Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan pengetahuan dan praktek gambar model manusia berbagai pose berdasarkan pertimbangan kriteria persepsi-artistik.
  1. Students are able to demonstrate basic knowledge of drawing human models through the use of appropriate media and techniques.
  2. Students are able to use knowledge of drawing human models in various poses as a reference frame of mind in developing forms of expression for works of art according to related fields.
  3. Students are able to apply knowledge and practice drawing human models in various poses based on consideration of artistic-perceptual criteria.
Metode PembelajaranKombinasi ceramah, demonstrasi, dan metode studi kasusA combination of lectures, demonstrations, and case-based method
Modalitas PembelajaranBauran Sinkron / AsinkronHybrid Synchronous/Asynchronous
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianUTS (25%), UAS (25%), Tugas (50%)Midterm Exam (25%), Final Exam (25%), Assignments (50%)
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