Kode Mata KuliahMK2202 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggara192 - Kewirausahaan / SBM
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahAspek Hukum, HAKI, dan Etika PewirausahaLegal Aspects, Intellectual Property Rights, and Ethics for Entrepreneur
Bahan Kajian
  1. Introduction to Ethics and Business Law
  2. Ethical Framework and Theory
  3. Building and Ethical Business Model
  4. Innovation in Ethical Entrepreneurship
  5. Entrepreneurs and Legal Aspect of Business Legal Aspects of E-Commerce Business Organizations Contracts and Agreements Business Funding Intellectual Property 1 Intellectual Property 2 Intellectual Property 3 Legal Permits for Business in Indonesia Managing Legal Issues in Technopreneurship
  1. Introduction to Ethics and Business Law
  2. Ethical Framework and Theory
  3. Building and Ethical Business Model
  4. Innovation in Ethical Entrepreneurship
  5. Entrepreneurs and Legal Aspect of Business Legal Aspects of E-Commerce Business Organizations Contracts and Agreements Business Funding Intellectual Property 1 Intellectual Property 2 Intellectual Property 3 Legal Permits for Business in Indonesia Managing Legal Issues in Technopreneurship
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
    1. Understand and comply with legal requirements for starting a business. Recognize and address ethical considerations in business operations. Develop strategies for ensuring legal and ethical compliance in all business activities.
    2. Identify and Analyze Stakeholder Interests Develop Legal Strategies for Stakeholder Engagement Navigate Legal and Ethical Conflicts
    Metode PembelajaranKombinasi ceramah, Diskusi Kelompok, Simulasi & Bermain Peran,
    Modalitas PembelajaranBauran, Sinkron dan Asinkron, Mandiri dan kelompok,
    Jenis NilaiABCDE
    Metode Penilaian
    Catatan Tambahan