Kode Mata KuliahKI5084 / 1 SKS
Penyelenggara248 - Chemistry Teaching / FMIPA
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Nama Mata KuliahPraktikum Pengajaran BiokimiaLaboratory in Biochemistry Teaching
Bahan Kajian
  1. nalisis kualitatif (Reaksi Uji) Biomolekul
  2. Analisis kuantitatif (Penentuan Kadar) Biomolekul
  3. Teknik Isolasi Biomolekul dari Bahan Alam
  4. Teknik Pemisahan Biomolekul
  5. Pengamatan Reaksi Enzim
  6. Analisis dan Penentuan Kinetika Reaksi
  1. Qualitative Analysis (Test Reactions) of Biomolecules
  2. Quantitative Analysis (Determination of Concentration) of Biomolecules
  3. Techniques for Isolating Biomolecules from Natural Sources
  4. Techniques for Separating Biomolecules
  5. Observation of Enzyme Reactions
  6. Analysis and Determination of Reaction Kinetics
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
  1. Mahasiswa memahami hubungan antara struktur dan fungsi biomolekul
  2. Mahasiswa memahami prinsip dan teknik isolasi dan pemisahan biomolekul.
  3. Mahasiswa memahami metode-metode terkait analisis biomolekul.
  4. Mahasiswa mampu menginterpretasi data hasil eksperimen.
  5. Mahasiswa mengetahui dan mempraktekan prinsip biosafety (keamanan dan kesalamatan) selama bekerja di laboratorium.
  6. Mahasiswa mampu mengkomunikasikan tujuan, dasar teori, metode, dan hasil eksperimen dalam bentuk laporan tertulis.
  1. Students understand the relationship between the structure and function of biomolecules.
  2. Students understand the principles and techniques of biomolecule isolation and separation.
  3. Students understand methods related to biomolecular analysis.
  4. Students are capable of interpreting experimental data.
  5. Students are aware of and practice biosafety principles (safety and health) while working in the laboratory.
  6. Students are able to communicate the objectives, theoretical background, methods, and results of experiments in written reports.
Metode PembelajaranPraktikum, Diskusi dan Kerja Kelompok.Laboratory Work, Discussion, and Group Work.
Modalitas PembelajaranAudio, Visual, Kinestetika.Auditory, Visual, and Kinesthetic.
Jenis NilaiABCDE
Metode PenilaianTes Harian, Keterampilan Kerja, Laporan.Daily Tests, Work Skills, and Reports.
Catatan Tambahan