Metode Penilaian | Grading system used to assess student achievement is based on the following standards:
100 > = Score >= 85 A;
85 >Score > = 80 AB;
80 > Score > =75 B;
75> Score > =70 BC;
70 > Score > = 60 C;
60 > Score > = 40 D;
Score below 40 or class attendance below 50 %, or indicipliner E | Grading system used to assess student achievement is based on the following standards:
100 > = Score >= 85 A;
85 >Score > = 80 AB;
80 > Score > =75 B;
75> Score > =70 BC;
70 > Score > = 60 C;
60 > Score > = 40 D;
Score below 40 or class attendance below 50 %, or indicipliner E |