Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK) | - Mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi dan menjelaskan struktur, komposisi, dan sifat fungsional dari komponen kunci penyusun bahan pangan dan pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas produk pangan.
- Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan sifat fisik dan kimia dari komponen pangan karbohidrat (gula sederhana, disakarida, dan polisakarida), lipid (minyak dan lemak, serta lipid tak tersabunkan), protein, enzim, senyawa fenolik (antioksidan, pewarna, perisa), dan aktivitas air serta pengaruhnya terhadap kestabilan pangan
- Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan hubungan antara sifat fisik dan kimia komponen pangan dengan sifat-sifat fungsionalnya, seperti: gelatinisasi, gelasi, emulsifikasi, foaming, gelling, film forming, solid fat content, titik leleh
- Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan parameter aktivitas air dan pengaruhnya terhadap kestabilan pangan.
- Mahasiswa mampu memetakan sifat fisik, kimia, dan fungsional komponen suatu bahan pangan dengan kondisi pemrosesan untuk menghasilkan produk pangan sesuai spesifikasi yang ditetapkan.
| - Students are able to identify and explain the structure, composition, and functional properties of key food components and their impact on food product quality.
- Students are able to explain the physical and chemical properties of food components such as carbohydrates (simple sugars, disaccharides, and polysaccharides), lipids (oils and fats, and unsaponifiable lipids), proteins, enzymes, phenolic compounds (antioxidants, colorants, flavors), and water activity and their influence on food stability.
- Students are able to explain the relationship between the physical and chemical properties of food components and their functional properties, such as: gelatinization, gelling, emulsification, foaming, gelling, film forming, solid fat content, and melting point.
- Students are able to explain the parameters of water activity and their impact on food stability.
- Students are able to map the physical, chemical, and functional properties of food components with processing conditions to produce food products that meet specified criteria.
Metode Penilaian | Ujian, Tugas, Kuis, Laporan Praktikum | Exam, Assignment, Quiz, Laboratory Practical Report |